Chapter 21

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(Y/n)'s POV.
I wake up to my alarm going off. I sit up and stretch, while yawning and turning it off. I turn to look at Goten…he's still asleep. How does he sleep through that? I look at my phone ' 6:00a.m. ' I shake Goten till he sits up. He stretches and yawns. His hair was messed up really bad. It was so cute. I couldn't help but giggle. "Good morning Bed Head." "Yep, good morning to you too, beautiful." He said while wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I stood up and got half way to the bathroom when Goten asked me a question. "Can I take one with you?" he looked at me with lust in his eyes. "Nope." I continued to the bathroom. He laid back down and groaned. I shook my head, giggled, and closed the bathroom door.

(Time Skip)

I stepped out of the shower about 15 minutes later. I grabbed a towel off the hook and wrapped it around my body. I walked out of the bathroom into my room and spotted Goten looking through my phone. "Hey, why do you have my phone?" He yelped and dropped my phone onto the bed. I laughed. "Well, I was looking through your pictures. You have a lot of me sleeping." I felt my face get hot. "It's not my fault that your so cute when your asleep." I said while turning my head and crossing my arms. "Anyway you can have the bathroom now." He grabbed his bag and crossed the room and gave me a kiss on the forehead, then walked into the bathroom.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my school clothes. I put them on. I walked over to my dresser where my blow dryer and straightener were plugged up. I did that and put on a beanie that was black and had cat ears. (A/n- Your clothes are the picture above. If you don't like the clothes change them 😄.)

I turned around once I hear my bathroom door open. Goten stepped out fully dressed, combing his hair. "Hey, babe what time is it?" I looked at my phone. "7:00a.m." "Ok." We grabbed our bags and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Trunks was already there eating a huge bowl of Cheerios. "Good morning Trunks." I said waving. He just nodded because he had a mouth full of Cheerios. Goten grabbed two bowls from the cabinet and handed one to me. He made a huge bowl of CornFlakes, while I got a bowl of (Favorite Cereal). Goten scarfed down his cereal, I did too because I just now noticed how hungry I was.

I looked at my phone. "Hey, it's 7:45a.m .We gotta go" We all rinsed out our bowls, grabbed our bags and flew to school.

(Time Skip)

When we got inside the school we split up. Trunks went down one hallway to his locker and me and Goten went the other way to our lockers. Luckily, we got lockers right next to each other. I saw Goten pull something out his pocket and tape it to the door of his locker.

I realized it was the picture of him I drew last week. "You…you actually kept it?" I said as if I was asking a question. "Well, yeah. Why wouldn't I?" he looked confused. "It's nothing. It's just not that good." "Yes, it is. It's amazing and I love it." "Thanks, Goten." "Your welcome." He gave me that signature Son smile. I leaned in and gently kissed his cheek.

"I love you Goten." "I love you too, (Y/n)." We grabbed our stuff and held hands while walking to first period. First period is Math. Why does it have to be Math? Goten and I grabbed seats at the back of the class room when Trunks walked in. He spotted us and took a seat beside me. "Why are you in 9th grade Math Trunks?" I asked being very, very confused. My brother is in 10th grade not 9th grade. I stared at him with a questioning look. "Oh, well, I failed this class last year. So, I gotta retake it." He said with embarrassment evident in his voice. "Guess I should've goofed off less and paid more attention." Trunks looked at the floor. "It's ok Trunks. I have to retake General music because I failed it last year." Goten patted Trunks on the back.

(Time Skip brought to you by Master Roshi having a nosebleed)

Second and third period drew on just like first period. Long and boring.

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