Chapter 22

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Two weeks after the previous chapter

Goten's POV.
I wake up to my alarm on my phone going off. I reach over, turn it off and set it back onto my nightstand. I get up and walk to the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower, I walk back to my room, grab my phone, and check the date. 'Crap!' I thought. 'Mine and (Y/n)'s anniversary is tomorrow and I have nothing planned.' Then I had the most amazing idea. I decided that we could have a picnic by the pond with all of her favorite foods. So, I rushed to make sure I had everything ready for tomorrow.

(Time Skip)

I was at the mall trying to find something for (Y/n). I wanted to give her something besides the picnic. I walked by this jewelry store and in the window I saw the perfect thing.

It was a silver chain necklace with a red, heart-shaped, diamond pendant, that hung from the center of the necklace. I knew that was it. I just had to get that for (Y/n) but I had a problem. There was no way that I was gonna be able to afford that. Then an idea hit me. So, I took a picture of it and went to talk to Vegeta.

(Time Skip)

I touched down in front of Capsule Corp. and walked up to the door. I knocked three times and waited. About 2 minutes later Bulma answered the door. "Oh Goten, (Y/n) isn't home right now she left with her friend Zoi." (Yep, that's right you have me as a friend now. Have fun with that.) I just smiled. "That's good because I needed to talk to Vegeta without her knowing." "Oh o- wait your not gonna ask her to marry you right?" Bulma looked really worried. "What no. Not now at least. I needed to ask him a favor." "Oh, that's good. He's in the gravity chamber." Bulma looked so relived. "Ok, thanks Bulma."

She stepped aside so I could get past and I walked to the gravity chamber.

When I got to the door of the gravity chamber I looked through the window on the door and saw Vegeta getting a drink of water. So, I knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard Vegeta say. I pressed the button to open the door and walked in. "What do you want Goten?" "Can I ask you for a favor?" "No, I don't do favors." Vegeta said this in a monotone voice. "Please, it's not for me. It's for (Y/n)."
I said pleading with him.

He seemed to think about my reason. He finally turned to me. "Fine. What is it Goten?" "I need to borrow some money to get her this." I pulled out my phone and showed him the picture of the necklace that I took earlier. "Why are you getting her that?" "It's for our anniversary tomorrow." "And why didn't you ask Bulma?" I gave him a 'are you kidding' me look. "Because Bulma can't keep a secret. Everyone knows that." "That's fair. Here." Vegeta pulled out his wallet and handed me the amount I needed. "Thanks so much Vegeta."

He put his wallet back up and turned to me. "Don't tell anyone about this. I have a image to maintain." "Got it Vegeta." I turned and left. I flew back to the mall, bought the necklace and came home.

-578 words
-Zoi out✌😎

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