chapter 8

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A/n-  We are now at the events of Bulma's birthday party in Dragon Ball Super. I have not seen these episodes in a while, so I might be off on a few parts and I also realized that I was writing as if the character is a girl, (Yes I know that is what it says on the description.) If you are a guy reading I am sorry just change it to fit a boy. I am gonna keep writing like this because it is easier and I feel like if I write like this I will produce better content, so I'm so sorry again. Please keep reading! But if y'all want I can write with gender natural pronouns, just tell me in the comments.

5 months later.....
(Y/n) POV.
I woke up and checked my phone and realized it was my Mom's birthday. So, I took a shower and put my hair in a long braid. I then walked to my closet and got on my tiptoe to reach the top and I grabbed my Mom's present. It was a sketch of her. It took me a long time to do it. I hope she likes it.........
I went down to breakfast and what I saw blew my mind.! I have not once since I was adopted saw my Dad cook. "(Y/n), go set the table please." My Dad said frantically. " Um, ok but where's Trunks? " " He is keeping your mother distracted. " "Oh ok." I said and set the table. I got bored, so I folded the napkins into little swans. My Dad then ran in and played the food. When he was done he looked at the table and said, " Why are the napkins folded like swans? " "I got bored." and shrugged my shoulders . "Nice touch." he said with a smile I early see. " Thanks. " I said smiling back. My Dad then yelled at Trunks. "We're ready!" Trunks came running down the stairs, while Mom was dragged by him.

Bulma's POV.
I was amazed. It was beautiful. After we ate, Trunks have me his gift. It was a card and a little mechanical stuffed bear that said, 'I love you Mom. ' "Trunks, who helped you make this?" I said a little surprised. " Grandpa! " he said happy. "Ok." Vegeta have me his gift next. It was a bouquet of flowers and a coupon book, which looked like it was handmade. "Thank you Vegeta." I then kissed him on the cheek. " Women, you know I had you sneak attacks. " He said with a red face. (Y/n) have me her fist last. It was wrapped so nicely. I opened it and it was a framed drawing of our family, signed by her. " You drew this? " " I mean, yeah, it took me a long time. " she said kinda nervous. "Thank you sweety, it's amazing." I then hugged her.

(Trigger warning! There is cutting in this POV. If this makes you uncomfortable not this may trigger you do not read. I will catch you up in the next POV.)
Goten's POV.
' I'm so dumb. CUT. I'm useless and weak. CUT. I can't do anything right. CUT. I should just kill myself, like Mom said.' I brought the razor blade to my neck ready to end it all when I heard a knock at my bathroom door. "Goten, are you ready yet, you worthless price of shit?" ' One more cut to my wrist.' "Yeah, Mom." " You've got 5 minutes. " "Ok." I heard her footsteps fade.  *Sigh* I walked to the sink and rinsed off my wrists. I then wrapped them up in some bandages, and pulled down my selves so no one could see. Well, I've been cutting for about five months. No one knows. I plan on it staying that way. I walked out my door and waited for Mom and I picked her up and flew off towards the Cruise ship Bulma rented for her birthday party.
(Time Skip, cause I don't remember everything that happened.
Vegeta- She has memory loss.
Me- No I don't Vegeta!
Vegeta- Yeah, you do.
Me- Shut up or I'll kick yo ass again!
Vegeta- Ok, fine!
Master Roshi- Hi, Zoi, where's all the pretty ladies?
Me- Go away Roshi before I stuff you in a trash can! *Throws pervy  magazines at him*
Master Roshi - OOOOO! *nosebleeds, Roshi passes out.*
Laughing Jack- Ok, let's get back to the story!
Me-*Face palms* Wrong fandom L.J!
Laughing Jack- Oh, yeah, ok bye! *Disappears in a cloud of smoke*)

(Y/n) POV.
I was so tired that night. I just took a shower and went to bed.
I was in these fields of wastelands, I don't know what they are.
But there was a Golden Lizard dude. "Hi, (Y/n), I'm Freiza, I am your father. (Turn to the dark side, sorry had to do it.) I then punched him in the face.
*Dream over*
I woke up and screamed.

A/n- Ok people, listen I need to tell you, you are.perfect and beautiful in your own way. There is no reason to cut. If you are being abused, tell a trusted adult or a cop. Had to get that out of the way. Now, I have no idea what that dream was, so yeah don't ask! Make a request on stuff you want to happen.
As always,

-Zoi out✌
-897 words

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