Chapter 24

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Goten's POV.
It's been 3 weeks since out anniversary. Today is Saturday and The World Martial Arts Tournament. Everyone who usually enters is entering besides Yamcha because he has a baseball game.

When my Dad and I got to the tournament, I saw (Y/n), Vegeta, and Trunks signing up. We walked over to them and when I was behind (Y/n) where she couldn't see me, I wrapped my arms around her waist and whispered in her ear, "Sup beautiful." She turned around quickly and punched me in the face. "Oh my God, Goten I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you." She grabbed my chin and started to examine my face. She just kept rambling. "Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry." "Hey, I'm fine. You didn't even punch me that hard. I'm not mad at you." She pulled me in for a hug. She buried her face into the crook of my neck. "I'm so sorry." she whispered. "It's fine. I'm fine." I said this, then lifted her chin so I could kiss her.

While this entire ordeal happened, my Dad, Vegeta, and Trunks just laughed their asses off. "Ok, let's go. We have to go do the punch machine thing." Vegeta said while walking off and crossing his arms, still laughing. So, we all got in line.

(Time Skip)

We were at the front so it didn't take very long. We all qualified, what a "surprise". Me, (Y/n), Dad, Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta, Piccilo, Krillen, Tien, and Chotzu all leaned over the railing like always. It's Pan's turn, she's fighting this 14 year old boy named Thomas.

"In this fight we have, 5 year old Pan and 14 year old Thomas. Thomas had been studying martial arts since he was 4, but Pan is the granddaughter of Mr. Hercule Satan. This should be an exciting fight. Fighters ready! Fight!" the announcer yelled.

The boy ran at Pan head on. When he got close enough to Pan, she drop-kicked him. He hit the floor of the ring. Pan then kicked him out of the ring. "Ring out! The match goes to Pan." the announcer yelled.

(Time Skip/ still Goten's POV.)

Pan won the kids division, like we all knew she would. The first two fights of the adult division are finished. They were Krillen Vs. 18, 18 won and then Chotzu Vs. this guy named Duncan, Chotzu won. (Can some one tell me how to spell Chotzu. I don't think I spelled it right.) Now it's my turn. I have to face Trunks.

(Time Skip because I can't write good fight scenes.)

Well, I actually won, but only because I broke Trunk's glasses. (Oh yeah, Trunks has glasses now.) He was pissed. When I won he got up, left his broken glasses on the ground, and stumbled over to the exit but not before running into the wall. It was funny. Next, is my Dad Vs. (Y/n). My Dad is gonna lose so bad.

(Y/n)'s POV.
Goku and I walked up and into the ring. We stood facing each other in the middle, 10 feet apart. The announcer guy said our names and then told us to get ready. "Fight!" This gonna be good.

(Time Skip)

Oh...My...God, I actually won. I don't know how I did it, but I did. In the second round, I fought 18 and I won. In the semi-finals, I fought Gohan. Now it's the finals and I get to fight my Dad. Oh Great. I'm gonna make him look like a wimp and then he will be mad at me. As we wait for the announcer to get done talking, I look out into the audience. I see Goten and he waves, I wave back and blow him a kiss. He smiles. I then see Lord Beerus and Whis. I lock eyes with Beerus and then he yells, "Kick his ass, (Y/n)." I just bust out laughing. The announcer finally gets done and says, "Fighters ready! And...Fight!"

(Time Skip because I'm lazy.)

My Dad and I are both our of breath. We just stand there starring at each other. Neither of us make a move. We stand and stare for what seems like hours but is really minutes. Then my Dad goes to wipe the sweat of his forehead and I lunge. I speed towards him and before he knows what hit him, I kicked him on to the soft grass around the ring. "Ring Out! And the new champ of The World Martial Arts Tournament is (Y/n) Brief." I jump out of the ring and walk over to my Dad. "You ok?" I ask worried that I hurt him. "Yeah." "Your not mad are you?" I looked at my shoes. "What, no. I'm actually happy. You've finally surpassed your old man. I knew it was gonna happen eventually but not this soon. Hell, you've even surpassed Kakarot. I am so proud of you. I love you very much, (Y/n)." "I love you too Dad." We hugged and the entire crowd awed.

My Dad walked out of the fighting area as I got back to the ring. "So (Y/n), how does it feel to be the new champ?" (I'm gonna call the announcer Rick because I forgot his names and I don't wanna keep saying the announcer said.) "Well Rick, it's not gonna be much different. My family and friends, plus myself, already protect the Earth and have been for years. Plus, I don't really need the money because I'm the daughter of Bulma Brief." "So what are you gonna do with the prize money?" I thought about it for a couple of seconds. "Honestly, I really don't know Rick."

"Ok, that's it ladies and gentlemen. The tournament is now over. Please clear out-" and the last part he whispered in my ear. "And (Y/n), follow me." I followed Rick out of the arena and down a hallway. We stopped at the end of the hall at a white door. "Ok, go in. There should be some people in there so you can fill out some paperwork." So, I walked into the room and filled it out.

When I was done, I walked down the hall and pulled out my phone. I texted Goten to see where everyone was at.

Me: Where are you guys at?

Goten: I'm outside waiting for you.
Everyone else went to your house
because your Mom decided to have a party.

Me: Ok, I'll be out in a minute. Bye.

Goten: Bye.

When I got outside Goten was waiting for me like he said. We didn't say a word as we flew to Capsule Corp. When we landed I turned to him and said, "Hey, can I ask you something?" I looked up at him as I said this because he's like a foot taller then me. "Yeah, sure what is it?" he said while giving me that smile that I love. "Promise me, that you'll never leave me." "I promise (Y/n). Your my everything. I can't live without you." He then pulled me in for a kiss. I immediately kiss back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers into his hair as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer, deepening the kiss. We stayed like that intill the buzz kill known as air ruined it. We pulled away slowly.

"We should go inside before anyone gets suspicious." Goten grabbed my hand and we walked inside. I did not expect to see what I saw when we walked into that house. My Dad and Goku were having a drinking contest...and it looked like my Dad was winning because Goku looked as green as Piccilo. Goku then got up and sprinted to the trashcan. He puked. A lot. My Dad stood up. "Ha! I won Kakorot! I'm finally better then you at something!" "Two things ,Vegeta." My Mom pointed out. "Oh, yeah. I can fuck my wife better then you Kakorot!" Then, they both dropped to the floor asleep.

(Time Skip)

Everyone left around 9:00pm. Goku and Goten are staying the night, though. Goten just walked out of the bathroom in the pajama pants that he keeps here. I scoot over to the wall and pull back the blanket so he can get in. He lays down on his side and pulls the blanket back over us. I scoot closer to him and snuggle into his chest. "I love you, (Y/n)." "I love you too, Goten." He kissed my forehead and turned the lamp off.

-1445 words
-Zoi out✌😎

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