Chapter 20

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A/n- This picture is dedicated to all my readers. I know I take a while to update but you know that is not my falt. If you don't know why read some previous chapters you'll know why. I am too lazy to explain it in this chapter.

2 days until school but that night at midnight

(Y/n)'s POV.

I was in a black void. I didn't know what to do, so I walked forward. A couple minutes later, I saw a pile of something in the distance. I ran towards it. When I got there a tear fell down my face. It was a pile of…my family and friends…all dead. Mom, Dad, Trunks, Goku,…Goten, he was on the very top of the pile. I broke down. Tears ran down my face. They wouldn't stop. "Hahahaha." I've heard that laugh before. I turned around only to see Freiza. "Don't you think they look better now?" He said with a menacing smile.

"W-Wait, y-you did th-this?" I stuttered because I was crying. "Yes, yes I did. Now you have no reason NOT to join me." "I won't join you because I hate you. Your nothing but a heartless, monster who only cares about himself." "Well you have no choice (Y/n). You must join me." The void then started to shake. "What's happening?" I asked him. "I don't know it's your dream." I heard words being said. As they continued, the words got louder. "(y/n) wake up! (Y/n) wake up! (Y/N) WAKE UP!"

*Dream over*

Goten's POV.
I shook (Y/n) and was telling her to wake up. It's midnight and she started crying in her sleep and tossing and turning, she almost kicked me off the bed. She shot up, eyes wide open. She looked around, when she spotted me she lunged at me and held on to my waist with her face buried into my chest crying and mumbling something I couldn't understand. I sat up and sat criss cross on the bed. I pulled (Y/n) into my lap. I then made her look at me. "Ok, now tell me what happened."

She told me about her dream and she started crying worse then before. "Hey, shh, shh. It's ok. I'm here. No one's dead." I tried to calm her down and it seemed to work. I just sat there and held her like a child , because she's my girlfriend and I would do anything for her. I told her everything is gonna be ok. She eventually snuggled back into my side. "Now, stop crying. A beautiful, intelligent, girl like you has no reason to cry." I placed my hand on the side of her face and wiped her years with my thumb. "I love you (Y/n), you know that right?" "Ye-Yeah." "You also know I would never leave you." "Yeah." "Ok, then." I laid her against me and laid back down on the bed. I kissed her forehead gentle.
"Goodnight (Y/n)." "Goodnight Goten." I held her in my arms all night and fell asleep with a smile on my face, knowing that I have and amazing girlfriend that I would do anything for.

(Time Skip)

1 day until school

(Y/n)'s POV.
Goten and I are now at my house. We just got done putting our school supplies into our bags. I looked at my phone. It said 2:00pm. "Hey, Goten want to go down stairs and eat some lunch and then look at our schedules?" "Sure." So, we walked down stairs, ate some sandwiches and are now looking at our schedules. "Hey, the only classes we don't have together are 4th and 8th." He pointed out. "Yeah, 4th period I have Choir and you have Basketball and 8th you have Web design and I have Art."

(Time Skip)

We are now eating dinner. It is very awkward. 'Why' you may ask…well…

*Flashback 5 minutes*

Dinner just started. It wasn't awkward intill Dad asked a question. "Did you two have sex while y'all were at his house? I'm not gonna be mad I just wanna know." "Um…yeah…actually we did…twice. Please don't kill me!" Goten flinched. "Why would I do that? I'm only gonna be mad if you didn't use protection, you did right?" "Yeah."
"Ok then I'm not mad." Goten was shocked. I was too. Then I punched Goten in the arm. "Oww. What was that for?" "Your weren't supposed to say anything!" I said threw gritted teeth. "I'm sorry, ok? Your Dad scares me." My Dad laughed.

*Flashback over*

After dinner Me, Goten, and Trunks did our nightly routine and went to bed.

-643 words

A/n- Ok yes, I know some people don't like to sing but it fits with the story, so that's what you get. Comment your favorite Fandom.

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