Chapter 26

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A/n- (Y/n) and Goten are 18, they are seniors in High School now.

Goten's POV.
Once I found a parking spot, me and (Y/n) got out of the car. I walked over to her side and grabbed her hand. We walked to the ticket booth. I gave the lady at the booth the money for the arm bands. I put mine on, I then grabbed her hand and put her arm band on. Her face turned red.

I let out a little laugh. I leaned over and kissed her cheek. Her face turned even more red. I placed my arm around her shoulder and we walked into the gates of the fair.

"So, (Y/n) What ride do you want to go on first?" She quietly thought about my question. Then her face lit up. "Can we go on the roller coaster?!" When she said that, I felt like my stomach was doing flips. I don't like roller coaster... "Yeah, of course." ... but I wouldn't tell her that.

We walked to the roller coaster hand in hand, I having a fake smile on my face because on the inside I was freaking out. We showed the guy working the ride our arm bands. He let us through the gate and we walked over to the front car. We sat down and pulled the safety bar over our heads and bodies.

I looked over to her and saw that she was very excited. I took deep breaths and calmed down...but then the cart started moving. My breathing quickened, I gripped onto the safety bar, not letting go, which caused my fingers to turn white.

(Y/n)'s POV.
I hear quick breaths in my ear. I turn my head to see Goten freaking out. I started laughing. The cart started going up the hill of track. Goten looked at me. "Are you laughing at me?" "Yeah, I am." He pouts. "Your mean." I smiled. "Yeah I, know." The car was almost at the top and Goten started freaking out again.

(Time Skip)

After the roller coaster ride ended, I got out and so did Goten, but as soon as he got out he walked towards me and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the bench outside of the ride. He turned to me and buried his face into my neck. "(Y/n)?" "Yeah Goten?" he paused for a couple of seconds. "Never make me do that again." I rolled my eyes. "Ok Goten. I promise that I will never make you go on a roller coaster with me again." He buried his face deeper into the crook of my neck. "Your welcome, Goten."

He then started to kiss my neck. I didn't stop him. He kept on in till a familiar voice said, "Get a room you two." Goten pulled away from my neck to look at the familiar voice. I turned my head to the voice and I saw my brother Trunks with his girlfriend, Zoi(Me, the author).

We all talked for a couple of minutes, before deciding to get some food. I got (favorite fair food), Goten and Trunks got 4 corndogs a piece, and Zoi got some funnel cake. We talked for about 30 minutes, finishing up our food, before Trunks and Zoi had to go.

(Time Skip)

Goten and I have been walking through the fair, riding rides. We were walking by the game booths when I saw a giant turtle plushie.

I stopped and looked at Goten straight in the eyes. I smiled sweetly at him. "Goten, you love me right?" He looked confused.
"Yes." "Then can you win me that giant turtle?" He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the booth. He gave the man $5. It's that game where you have to throw the darts at the balloons. When he was done, we walked away with me holding the stuffed turtle to my chest.

We were about to leave, when Goten pulled me to the Ferris wheel. We waited in line and when it was our turn we got into the car thing on the Ferris wheel, we sat down and closed the door to the car.

By now we were at the top and it stopped. Goten scooted closer to me and put his arm around me. My face turned beet red. I know that I'm 18 but I don't care. I'm a naturally shy person when it comes to romance. (Sorry if your not, just go with it.)

I turned towards him and we starred into each other's eyes. We slowly leaned in and our lips touched, moving in sync. He moved his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance. I opened my mouth just enough so he could slip his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance, he won. But because we needed air, we had to pull away. Goten pulled me closer to him. I then laid my head on his shoulder.

(Time Skip)

That night Goten drove me home. He stayed the night because it was late. He called his Dad to tell him what he was doing. Then we went to bed, while I was snuggled up to his chest.

-871 words
-Zoi out✌😎

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