Chapter 16

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A/n- This is me. Sometimes the teachers have to call me up to their desk to ask what my work says and most of the time even I have no idea what it says. That is why I type most things.

5 days until school

Goten's POV.
This morning I woke up before (Y/n). So, I decided to make breakfast. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a white tank top, a red button up shirt, and a pair of blue jeans. I also grabbed a pair of boxers out of my dresser. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I started brushing my teeth when I noticed a note taped onto the medicine cabinet. We have a medicine cabinet but not a mirror, weird.

Dear Goten or (Y/n),
Went to King Kai's planet to train.
I will be back with McDonald's for dinner so don't cook anything then.
                    From, Goku

I grabbed the note and threw it away. I finished brushing my teeth and walked to the kitchen. I knew (Y/n) loved pancakes so I'm gonna make her some for breakfast. I grabbed my handy-dandy pancake mix because I'm too lazy to make it from scratch.

I made two bowls of batter and added (F/C) food she to one bowl and added chocolate chips to both. I cooked me three pancakes  and put them aside. I then took the (F/C) batter and made three heart-shaped pancakes for (Y/n). I buttered all the pancakes and put them in two plates. I then went to the fridge and got the bacon and the eggs and sat them on the counter. I cooked the bacon and made scrambled eggs. I split the eggs and bacon between the two plates. I put the plates on the table and got so cups and filled them with chocolate milk. I sat them in front of the plates. I also grabbed two girls and sat them down.

I walked to my room to wake up (Y/n). I quietly opened the door to my room and walked over to her sleeping form. I placed my hand on her shoulder and gently shook her.

(Y/n)'s POV.
I woke up to Goten gently shaking me. He saw me open my eyes. "Good morning." he said. He then leaned in down and kissed me. "Good morning." I said while yawning. "I made breakfast." "Awesome." I got up and we walked to the kitchen. "Where is your Dad?" I looked towards Goten. "Oh, he just went to King Kai's place to train." he led me to the kitchen table and pulled a chair our for me. I sat down in it. "Thank you Goten." "Your welcome."

I looked down at my plate. The pancakes look like (F/C) hearts. There is also bacon and some scrambled eggs. I took a bite of everything. "This…is amazing Goten." "Thank you."

After breakfast, I did my morning routine. When, I got back to the living room Goten had all the card and board games on the floor. "Can we play all of these today, please?" he asked excited. "Ok." So, we played board games and cards all day, until Goku got home Goten and I did our nightly routine and went to bed.

A/n- Comment your favorite Anime.

-554 words

-Zoi out✌😎

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