Chapter 26

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Khushi stood there helplessly as she stared at the place where Arnav stood seconds ago.

What have I done??

Her mind flashing the scene before her eyes again and again.

The pain in his eyes.

Her heart beat accelerated remembering him. The nurse came and knowing her relation with the patient, she led her to the room where he was stayed.

Khushi took step closer and stood beside Ayan's bed. His forehead covered in bandage. His hand also was wrapped in a bandage. Other than that, he was all okay.

But what you did with the person who made him 'all okay'?? Her inner self chided her.

Khushi bit her lips, suppressing a sob to escape. Fishing the mobile out of her bag, she called NK to inform about Ayan's accident.

Finishing the call, she took Ayan's hand in hers and sat with him.









NK placed the phone back on the table and looked at the person in front of him. Aman gazed back at him with concern.

Dad met with an accident. Aman gasped.

But he is okay. NK assured. I have to go to London Bridge Hospital, we will talk later about Arnav and Khushi. NK continued.

Of course. His health is more important. Rest can wait. You go. Aman ushered him.

Both shared a hand shake and then NK left. Aman again sat down, bringing his phone out from his pocket.

Switching it on, he waited for the system to get update. Hearing notification bell for numerous time, he swiped the screen and saw 15 missed calls and 4 messages from Arnav.

Oh no. Arnav will kill me now. He gulped, calling Arnav back.

But this time, he frowned. Arnav's phone was switched off. He must be sulking in the apartment. Quickly paying the bill, he rushed towards his apartment.

Opening the door with his key, he entered saying I am sorry, Arnav when his steps halted.

The apartment was empty.

Confusion arose in Aman as he thought about the whereabouts of Arnav. His phone was still off.

Murmuring under his breath, he took a look around the apartment, but not a soul was present there.

Where are you, Arnav?? His stress knew no bounds.












NK reached the hospital. His concern lessened when he saw Ayan sitting with Khushi and Naina beside him. Naina was feeding him fruits while Khushi was smiling, holding his hand.

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