The First Cut Is The Deepest

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You teach people how to treat you by what you allow. Stop and reinforce.

Grace was stood above the surgical reception area, watching Miranda's interns. The Grey girl had a mocha latte in her hand and was arguing with the model and the puppy about them moving in with her. The Korean girl was calling out Grey on her bribe.

It was very amusing, making her smile behind her hot chocolate.

As Miranda emerged from the nurses' office her interns gathered round and got told their assignments. Grey however decided to be bold and ask for OR time, prompting the others to do the same.

She listened to Miranda tell them off, take the coffee and head up the stairs towards her. 'No one holds a scalpel till I'm so happy, I'm Mary-freakin'-Poppins.' Miranda then paused near the top of the stairs, realising they were still loitering. 'Why are you all standing there? Move!'

And they were in the wind.

Grace chuckled when Miranda reached her. 'Gotta love the smell of fearful interns in the morning.'

'Damn whiny, needy babies is what they are.' Miranda said glancing at the interns retreating backs. 'Izzy woke me twice during their first shift.'

'So the model does have some balls hidden away then.' Grace chuckled and saw a familiar face headed towards the elavators. 'How do you like the new attending?'

'Shepherd?' Miranda hummed. 'Did good work on the Katie Bryce case, clever move getting the interns to do the research, saved the girl's life doing that. What about you? What's your opinion?'

Grace looked at Miranda, loving that someone here was the same height as her and she didn't have to strain her neck every time they spoke. 'I've known Derek for a while. He hasn't realised I'm here as well, yet.'

'Why haven't you gone looking for him then?'

'We've never really got along that well,' Grace thought back to the conversation she overheard in the stairwell. 'And I don't think that's going to change any time soon.'

Miranda gave her a considering look. 'I think this is the first time you've had less than nice things to say about anyone.'

Grace just shrugged. 'He's a brilliant Doctor, truly amazing, but as people we just don't mix well. Much to our friends' amused frustration.'

'Any interesting cases lately?' Miranda asked as they started walking down the corridor.

'Nope, had some twins the other day, and I'm talking with Burke today about some heart stuff that might be an issue soon. Plus Kenley has given me some points of reference.'

'The Paediatric Doctor?'

'Yeah, he's my go to for any kid related info I can't find, you know the long term impact of early births and what not.'

'You alright?'

Grace startled when Richard spoke from beside her. 'Richard, hey.' She turned to look back through the window of the rape victim's room. 'I'm…okay. I heard she bit it off and that Grey is now carrying it around in a cooler.'

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