Enough Is Enough

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I always find myself caught between saying too much and saying not enough.

Grace headed towards Richard's room, muffins in hand only to freeze and turn away at the door.

'Grace Mason, you stop right there.'

Slowly turning back, Grace knew she had a nervous smile on her face. 'Adele hi! You're home early…' then she realised, 'Shepherd called you didn't he?'

'He figured someone should let me know that Richard had brain surgery.' Adele's tone was accusing as Grace put the muffins on the table.

'Well, er…Richard bribed me with bourbon to keep quiet!' Grace finished in a rush, pointing at the Chief.

'Grace!' Richard said looking betrayed.

Grace scoffed. 'If I'm going down, you're going down too!'

'Quiet!' Adele said firmly, making them both stop immediately. 'Acting like children, you should be ashamed of yourselves.'

Grace caught Richard's eye and had to quickly look away again before she started laughing.

Grace met Miranda at the elevator. 'I hear you've got a guy that swallowed doll heads?'

'Mmhm,' Miranda said with a disgusted look. 'Ten Judy doll heads.'

'They're like Barbies, right?' Grace asked and got a nod. 'I loved Barbies, I've still got a few of my favourites in a box somewhere. I had the massive dream house and everything.' She stopped when she saw the look Miranda was giving her. 'What?'

'Never figured you for the doll type, that's all.'

Grace shrugged. 'I never had baby dolls, but I liked Barbies.'

'I hear you and the Chief got told off,' now Miranda sounded amused, even had a little smirk on her face.

'Yes,' she replied grumpily. 'Adele is back early, another reason for me to not like Shepherd.'

Miranda was chuckling when the elevator arrived. 'Serves you right, thinking either of you could keep this from her.'

Meredith almost bumped right into her. 'Oh, Doctor Mason, I'm sorry, I didn't see you.'

'It's fine Doctor Grey, I didn't see you either.' Grace waggled the papers in her arms in explanation. She saw Meredith's frustrated expression. 'Everything alright?'

Meredith sighed as they stepped into the empty lift. 'I'm fine.'

Grace turned and looked at her properly. 'Sweetie, I could give a flying fuck what you think of my friends, or enemies for that matter,' she ignored Meredith's shocked look at her swearing. 'Your opinion won't change my opinion of them.'

There was a long pause. 'Derek keeps following me and talking to me and Addison just said I was a good girl for not taking him back and that there are two sides to every story. And I don't want to know! I just want to do my job.'

'And you're good at your job Grey.' Grace said as she stepped out. 'Don't let them take that from you.'


You sobered up yet?

If by sober you mean feeling like truck convoy ran me over, then yes. I'm sober.

Got a guy with Judy doll heads in his bowel.

I hate you. Laughing makes my head shriek in terror.

I got told off by Adele Webber for not telling her the Chief had surgery.

What did he bribe you with?


Worth it then. How's your day? Aside from the doll guy.

Well aside from being overly tired, just a normal day. A 21yr old gave birth to a 9 pound 6 baby with nothing but gas and air.


Took twelve hours to arrive.

She needs a medal. And I need to throw up.

Talk later.


'What does he mean, he's a sink with an open drain?'

Grace looked up from checking her bag. 'What?'

Addie nodded looking, defeated. 'Derek, that's what he said to me.'

'Maybe…it's like in one ear and out the other?' She suggested with a shrug. 'I dunno, I'll never want to get inside his head.'

'Hm.' Addie stopped at the doorway. 'I just want him to talk to me.'

Grace smiled sadly. 'I know Addie. And maybe he will, but even I can say that right now he has every right to act like this.'

Addie nodded, her eyes glistening slightly. 'Want to get drunk with me?'

'You coming to my place? I just got a bottle of bourbon from Richard.'

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