If Tomorrow Never Comes

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Better three hours too soon, than a minute too late.

Grace handed over the latest muffins – one chocolate, one strawberry. Miranda took them easily. Neither of them spoke about what they were payment for, knowing it was best not to bring it up. Or to even bring up how Miranda was ignoring Grey.

Grace waited for the elevator to arrive only to find Miranda stepping off it, leaving Shepherd behind. She stepped out of sight before he saw her, just listening.

'You know, can I point out that technically, I'm your boss?'

Miranda stopped and turned back. 'You don't scare me. Look,' she pushed the doors back open. 'I'm not going to advertise your extracurricular activities with my intern. However the next time I see you favouring Meredith Grey in any way, I'll make sure she doesn't see the inside of an OR for a month.' Miranda started to walk off. 'Just for the sake of balance.'

Grace watched her friend walk away and let the lift leave without her.

Sometimes it was painfully obvious why they called Miranda the Nazi.

Knocking on the door, Grace waited for Richard to call out before going in. 'Hey there Chief, I brought lunch.' She held out the bag to him. 'Barbeque chicken with garlic and mushroom rice.'

Richard smiled widely. 'Your own sauce?' He asked as he pulled out the still warm container of food.

'Of course,' she sat opposite of him. 'I know it's early for lunch, but I also know you're starting the tumour surgery soon. You're going to need fuel for that one.'

'Oh yes,' he replied with wide eyes, opening the tub. 'It's gonna be a doozy. Anything interesting for you today?'

'No, all routine, I might stop by to observe if I get the chance.' Grace took a bit of her own food. 'Her chances are not good.'

Richard nodded. 'No, but without the surgery she has no chance at all.' He broke off and made a noise of pleasure. 'Oh, Adele will not be happy that you didn't make her any of this.'

Grace chuckled and put another bag on his desk. 'It'll keep until tomorrow.'

'You are an angel, Grace.'

'And don't you forget it.'

Grace was finishing up some papers when Isobel Stevens stopped at the desk to drop off some papers, already changed into street clothes.

'I hear you had to open up a patient bedside, Doctor Stevens.'

'Doctor Mason, hi, and yeah, I did.' Poor girl looked both exhausted and exhilarated.

Grace smiled at her. 'You did good. Saved his life, you should be proud of yourself. Tyler told me you had never even seen it done before?'

'No, I hadn't,' Izzy smiled slightly. 'I was…frankly I was terrified.'

'But you still did your job.' Grace stood with the finished paperwork and walked off, talking over her shoulder. 'Well done, Izzy.'

'Thanks, Doctor Mason.'

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