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noun: superstition

● Excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural.

● A widely held but irrational belief in supernatural influences, especially as leading to good or bad luck, or a practice based on such a belief.

● A custom or act based on such a belief.

Grace walked into the OR, stopping just at the door. She looked at every person in the room, mentally saying their names.

Then went back to the scrub room, scrubbed up and went back into the OR. She went and stood by the patient, already under, and mentally went through every step of the surgery.

Next, while she was hooked up to her lights, Grace said hello to everyone, greeting them by name.

After that Grace would ask the nurse near the hi-fi to turn on the music. And ask the nurse manning the pagers to ensure they were on the quiet setting.

Then, out loud, she would say the person's name, how old they were, what operation she was doing and a couple of random facts about them that she had found out.

Then she would start.

Every operation, rare as they were, started that way.


On the surgical floor one of her interns found her with a cup of hot chocolate.

'What do you want?' Grace said suspiciously.

The intern shook her head. 'No, this is from Doctor Montgomery-Shepherd, she said something about juju?'

Grace felt her eyes widen and grabbed the cup from the intern. 'Good girl, go away now.' She walked off and immediately started drinking the juju. Even though it was toasting her tongue a bit, juju had to be drank quickly.


Grace was passing the ER, just wandering since she had nothing to do, and got there just in time to hear Yang say the Q word.

'Damn it, Yang!' Grace said loudly, her protest joining in the others. She poked her head in the door. 'Say that again and I'll shove a scalpel where the sun doesn't shine. Damn Rosemary's babies.'

She wandered off without waiting for a reply, grumbling under her breath about stupid interns.


'You want me to pee in front of you?'

Grace was in the middle of business when Yang and O'Malley started arguing. In the bathroom. She resolutely blocked it out.

She stepped out of her cubicle the same time as Callie, they were planning on having lunch together, to find O'Malley and Yang...wrestling.

Exchanging a look with Callie they each went to a sink and started washing their hands. This seemed to remind them of where they were and the two interns stopped fighting.

'Hey, Doctor Torres. Doctor Mason, I'm glad to see you're feeling better.' O'Malley said after a moment.

'Thanks O'Malley.'

'Doctor O'Malley, you are aware this is the women's restroom?' Callie asked curiously.

'Yes Ma'am.'

'Just checking, O'Malley,' Grace said as they walked out together, leaving the interns to...whatever that was. Outside they looked at each other. 'That has to have something to do with Burke. I say we blame him.'

Callie chuckled and shook her head. 'I'm a resident, I'll keep my blaming to myself when it concerns an Attending. I don't have Bailey's balls.'

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