The Self-Destruct Button

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No amount of sleep in the world could cure the tiredness I feel.

'Doctor Mason!'

Grace came to a stop and let Grey catch up to her. 'Something I can help you with Doctor Grey?'

'Girl with abdominal pain and fever. She has laparoscopic scars on her stomach, Doctor Bailey said to check how your schedule was in case her CTs came back and showed we needed your help.'

'I'm light today, but I'm catching up on paperwork so I'll be here for a while. Page me if I'm needed.' Grace started to walk off again.

'Will do, Doctor Mason.'

Grace was sat in the observation room, watching Miranda and Grey operate on the bad bypass girl. Doing paperwork in here was a change of pace from her office.

'What are you doing here?'

Ah, finally, the inevitable meeting.

'Hello Derek.' Grace replied without looking up. 'You here to watch the intern?' She shouldn't have said it, but she couldn't resist. Besides, she was sat nearest the door, so she didn't have to speak too loud for him to hear her.

'Bailey told you?'

Grace snorted. 'No, I overheard the two of you talking in the stairwell your first day here. Also, I was with Miranda the night of the party, you just didn't see me.'

Shepherd was quiet for a long moment. 'What are you doing here?'

'I've worked here for years, ever since I left the east coast. I did my internship here and residency and now I'm an attending.'

'I've never seen you on the floor.'

Grace shook her head. 'I've been around, but most of my patients are just pushing out babies, they rarely need surgery.'

Shepherd made a scoffing noise. 'You're playing midwife?'

'Go spit Shepherd, I could give a flying fuck what you think of my career choices.' Grace was tired of pretending to be polite. She heard murmurs from the other people sat in the room.

'So, how's the nerves?' He said with a slightly cruel tone to his voice.

Grace slapped her files shut and stood up, going to stand in the doorway beside him. 'Fine, how's the wife?' She left without waiting for a response, already knowing the answer.

Miranda found her in the overflow corridor her interns usually occupied. 'I heard a rumour about you, a few actually.' She sat beside Grace and stole one of her cookies. 'My favourite was that Shepherd is your secret lover that followed you here from New York.'

Grace choked on her sandwich. 'What?!'

'The most accurate one said that you used to work together but fell out and you moved here away from him.'

'Still not completely true, we did have an argument before I left the east coast, but it had nothing to do with me moving here.'

'I didn't think it did, just letting you know what people are saying.'

Grace smiled slightly. 'Don't worry, one of my interns will mess up and I'll yell at them in front of people and everybody will know I'm still the mean old tyrant I usually am.'

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