Shake Your Groove Thing

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Maturity doesn't come with age, rather with the acceptance of responsibility.

Grace saw Richard up ahead as he cut away from Miranda, Yang and O'Malley. 'Chief!' She caught up to him as he paused. 'Did I hear right? There was a towel left inside a patient?' She kept her voice low so other patients wouldn't overhear.

'Unfortunately.' He looked at her as they stepped into the elevator together. 'Have you seen Patricia?'

'Last I saw she was headed towards your office.' Grace said, knowing he'd need her to get the lawyers in.

'At least I won't have to go hunting for her.' Richard ran a hand across his face. 'This is not good.'

Grace snorted. 'Too right.' She waved as he stepped out of the elevator again. 'Keep me posted, yeah?'

The Chief nodded as the doors closed.


Miranda stepped into the elevator she was on and smiled slightly. 'Well, I'm in the mood for a few drinks, how about you?'

'Oh yeah, almost lost one today, very close call.' Grace said with a sigh.

'Want a ride there? You're on my way.'

Grace smiled gratefully at Miranda. 'Sure, that'd be great.' They walked off the elevator together. 'I'll see you soon then.'

Miranda nodded as she headed towards the exit that led to the car park, Grace headed to the side entrance that was the quickest way to the bus stop.

Grace was wearing a long sleeved, off-the-shoulder blue dress that swished at her knees with her long brown hair clipped back from her face. She kept quiet as she followed Miranda, who was telling Yang to keep quiet about the towel thing while putting food onto a plate, Grace occasionally putting something on as well.

This was what always happened if Grace attended a party. She'd never go alone and would always share a plate with whoever she went with. Thankfully Miranda was used to this and didn't even blink.

'We're not gonna talk about it anymore is what's gonna happen. We clear? Or you had too much alcohol to understand me?' Miranda looked Yang up and down as Grace snorted.

'We're very clear.' Yang said, finally realising the topic wasn't up for discussion.

'Good.' Miranda handed Grace the plate and looked around, grabbing two plastic cups. 'You have any bourbon?'

Yang just walked off.

'Oh, there it is,' Grace said, prodding the bottle with her free hand. 'You know,' she said as Miranda poured them drinks. 'I'm pretty sure Grey doesn't know how big this party is, going on what I overheard your babies talking about earlier.'

'I'm pretty sure Stevens is avoiding something with her boyfriend from what I heard.'

Grace snorted. 'Yeah, dating a Doctor is different to dating a med student.'

Miranda nodded. 'Tell me about it. So,' she said as they wandered elsewhere. 'You got a somebody you ain't told me about?'

'Hardly,' Grace rolled her eyes. 'I'm not exactly the most social person, so I don't go anywhere to meet anyone. Occasionally Joe's but that's it. You know this.'

'So who're you always texting and smiling about then?' Miranda said after greeting another resident. 'I've seen you do it.'

Grace just laughed slightly. 'He's just a friend and he's not interested in me.'

Miranda paused at that. 'That makes it sound like you're interested in him.'

'I…suppose.' Grace took a long drink. 'A bit, but nothing will ever come of it. Like I said, he's not interested in me.'

'Damn fool if you ask me,' Miranda said looking her up and down. 'You scrub up well.'

A little while later they heard Yang calling for George, even over the music. Looking into the next room they saw O'Malley joining Yang and Grey on the table, the three of them quite happily dancing.

'I'm glad I don't live here.' Grace said after a moment.

'Mmhm,' agreed Miranda with a smile. 'You ever go to parties like this in college?'

'Meh, a couple of times, but it wasn't really my scene. You?'

Miranda chuckled. 'Oh yeah, a few, here and there. Wasn't really my scene either.'

Later on they were headed out the door, however Miranda's car was the last on the drive and was now blocked in. 'Damn it, knew I should have parked down the street.'

Grace saw a figure in the car blocking them as they got closer. 'They're in the car, just ask them to move.'

However, moving closer revealed two people in the car, two familiar people.

Miranda paused and then knocked. 'You mind moving this tail wagon? You're blocking us in.'

The two of them headed back to the car, getting in and trying to not watch as Grey and Shepherd got their clothes back on.

'Strawberry and chocolate.'

'I remember,' Grace said with a nod.

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