Much Too Lonely Heart

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Caring too much is what I'm good at.

t's better to be alone, than in bad company.


Grace grinned when she met Addie coming down the stairs. 'So, now I have to share all my shiny toys with you.'

'Well, you've always been good at sharing.' Addie agreed with a smile. 'So, did you enjoy your holiday? Hawaii, right?'

'Yes, and it was brilliant,' Grace said with a happy bounce to her step. 'We enjoyed two weeks of beaches, sun, cocktails and dancing the night away. And we both got amazing tans to show for it.'

Addie smiled back at her. 'I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves then. So, quints?'

Grace held up the chart. 'Got her settled while you were doing the paperwork with Richard.'

'We are going to make an excellent team, Gracie.'

Burke smiled at her when they met in the elevator. 'Good morning Grace, how are you?'

'Preston, I'm good, you?'

'I'm good as well.'

Grace looked at him closely. 'You seem…perkier than you usually show. If you don't mind me getting a bit personal.'

'I don't mind. Though you've been quite perky as well since you got back from your holiday.' Preston grinned down at her. 'Same time every year as well.'

'Every year my best friend and I book two weeks off and pick somewhere to go, just the two of us. This year it was Hawaii.'

Preston nodded. 'Sounds nice, do any surfing?'

'Nope. Dancing was as much exercise we got.'

'What's her name? Does she live in Seattle?'

Grace chuckled as she walked off the elevator. 'His name is Mark Sloan and he's from New York.'

'So,' Grace said to Miranda slowly. 'I heard a certain intern broke a man's penis.'

Miranda grumbled under her breath before replying. 'If I didn't like my job so damn much, I'd give the Chief a come-to-Jesus for landing me with that group.'

Grace was getting on the elevator to leave for the night when Karev stormed over and hit the call button a few times, hard.

'You okay, Karev?'

'Fine.' He bit out, making her raise an unimpressed eyebrow at him. 'Sorry, Doctor Mason,' he said mostly sincere as they got into the elevator.

'We're all entitled to having a bad day, just be careful you don't take it out on the wrong people.'

Karev could hear the warning very easily. 'Yes, Ma'am. Sorry, it's just…' he broke off and shook his head.

'Has it anything to do with the Chief?' Grace asked quietly, mindful of the two paeds interns at the back of the elevator. Karev looked at her sharply and she shrugged. 'He's my friend, he unloads his worries to me sometimes. He's worried you'll let it get to your head.'

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