Save Me

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That awesome feeling when someone is making an effort to make you smile.

'Doctor Mason,' Miranda said as she came around the corner ahead. 'Can you look at this file for me?'

'Sure Miranda,' Grace glanced at her intern. 'Go finish admitting Miss Brown and do her exam, tell her I'll be there shortly.' She took the file from Miranda and started reading. 'Damn…has she decided yet?'

'No, but my guess is that she'll keep the baby, I already asked for a counsellor to go and talk with them be a sounding board if they need it.'

Grace nodded. 'Alright, keep me posted. If she does decide to continue the pregnancy, I'll speak with them about earliest viability and such.'

Miranda took the file back. 'Thanks, Yang's on the case so it'll probably be her that finds you if that happens.' She turned and started to walk off. 'I'll see you for food later?'

'Yep, if no babies decide to jump the gun anyway.'


Grace wandered the surgical floor, looking for Miranda. 'And none of her interns are anywhere to be seen either.'

'Looking for someone Doc?'

Turning, Grace saw a brown haired man smiling at her from the room she'd stopped outside. 'Yes sir. You happen to know where a Doctor Bailey is, would you?'

'Short, bossy, has some really cute interns?'

'Well I wouldn't know about that last part,' Grace said with a laugh. 'But that sounds like her. Have you seen her?'

'No but the – ' he broke off suddenly his eyes searching the room but not really seeing.

'Sir, are you alright?' Grace stepped into the room just as Izzy turned up.

'Is he having another seizure?' Izzy asked as she moved forward to check his eyes. 'Mr Duff?'


Izzy nodded. 'Looks like it so far.'

Mr Duff's seizure ended and he looked right at Grace. 'Your boy is beautiful Grace, I'm sorry.'

Grace blanched and felt the two lunch bags slip from her fingers. The noise of them hitting the floor startled her. Grabbing the bags, she thrust one at Izzy. 'Give this to Bailey.' And then she left.


Grace was sat on the roof where helicopters would usually land when Miranda found her.

'You gonna be okay?'

'Probably.' Grace said quietly. 'But I'll be getting drunk tonight.'

'At home?'

Grace managed a smile. 'Yes, I'll be safe.'

Miranda nodded. 'Good. I'll see you later.' She paused at the door. 'Oh, the cancer Mom is keeping the baby after all.'

'I'll go see her in a bit.'

Grace concentrated very hard on hitting the right contact on her cell phone. It rang for a couple of minutes before a voice, rough with sleep, answered.

'I may very well shoot whoever this is.'

'You'd never shoot me! You love me too much!'

'Gracie? Is that you?'

'Yep! Oh, I probably woke you up.' Grace realised a little too late. 'What time is it there? Is it late? Is it early? Were you asleep? Or in the middle of something? You weren't having – '

'Gracie! Ssh!' Grace stopped rambling. 'You're drunk, aren't you? That's the only time you do this.'

Grace looked at the new bottle of bourbon that was now missing most of its contents. 'Maybe a little bit.'

'How much of a little bit?'

'Most of a bottle,' Grace poured some more into her glass. 'It almost gone, I bought it on the way home from work. Since I hadn't got around to replacing my last bottle yet. But I got the good stuff, so worth the money.'

'What happened Gracie?'

'There was a psychic patient,' Grace replied quietly before downing her drink. 'He had an AVM but he was the real deal. He knew about…Marcus.'

There was a long sigh. 'I'm sorry I can't be there for you.'

Grace nodded. 'I know, but, would you…just talk to me? Until I fall asleep.'

'All night if I have to. Want to hear about my patients?'

With a grateful smile Grace got comfy on her sofa with a blanket and her drink. 'Yes, yes I do.'

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