Blues For Sister Someone

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Love is not just a feeling, it's commitment and above all a sacrifice.

Grace was looking for Addie when she wandered past a room, only to back up a few steps. 'Mr Foote?'

The older man looked up and smiled. 'Miss Mason, I wondered if you were around here somewhere.'

'Well here I am,' Grace said with a smile as she walked into the room. 'How are you doing?'

'Health wise? I'm just fine.' Mr Foote said with a shrug. 'But enough about me, have you been playing lately?'

'Yes sir, whenever I can.' Grace chuckled. 'Of course babies don't arrive on schedule so sometimes it'll be a few weeks between playing sessions, but I do still play.'

Mr Foote smiled widely. 'That's good, everyone needs music in their life.'

Just then Preston and Yang appeared in the doorway.

'Mr Foote, Doctor Mason, good morning.'

'Morning Doctor Burke,' Grace stood and looked back at Mr Foote. 'I'll stop by later, sir. Preston, I've got some blueberry muffins sat at the nurse's station for you, just ask Sandra for them.'

Preston chuckled and nodded. 'Will do, Grace.'

When Grace went back to her own department, having been pointed that way by a nurse, she found a familiar family in one of the rooms.

'Hello Chris, Rose, hi kids, how is everyone today?'

Most of the kids left their activities to jump up and hug her while Chris and Rose gave her wide smiles.

'Doctor Mason,' Chris said, standing to shake her hand as the kids made a hole. 'It's good to see you again. How are you?'

'I'm fine, doing great.' Grace aimed a smile are Rose. 'And you? Ready to have your baby, Rose?'

'Definitely. This one seems set to play soccer.'

Grace laughed and spent some time catching up with the family.


'Grace.' Preston didn't even look up. He was just looking down from the walkway near the Chief's office, watching people pass by.

'You okay?' She went to stand beside him.

Preston shook his head. 'Eugene Foote wants me to remove his pacemaker.' Grace felt her eyes widen. 'He played for me, in his room, it was…brilliant, but it wasn't Eugene Foote brilliant. Something was…off, a few things actually.'

Grace nodded. 'He says the pacemaker has upset his natural rhythm.'

'Yes. And he wants it out. At my hand.'

Sighing Grace turned to watch the people as well. 'I can't tell you what to do here, Preston, no one can. You're the best there is, but I can understand why you're hesitating.'

'He told me about finding his first violin, that he was hooked from that moment.' Preston turned to look at her. 'Have you ever had a moment like that?'

'Two,' Grace said with a nod. 'First time, I was still in high school, back in the UK, one of my teachers had a heart attack and stopped breathing. I only knew…the absolute basics of CPR, but I used it, and I saved his life. That was the moment I decided to be a doctor.'

Preston smiled at that. 'And the second?'

'I walked into a bar in New York, the first free weekend I had in med school I drove there from Boston, and I walked in only to smack right into a guy.' Grace started smiling widely. 'I started to fall back and he grabbed me, one arm around my waist, the other cradling my head. And I knew he was going to be part of my life forever.'

'I didn't realise you were with someone?'

Grace laughed and shook her head. 'No, it was Mark, he's my best friend, my closest friend. He always will be.' She turned and smiled at Preston. 'You know where to find me. I'll see you later.'

Later that day Grace was sat in the observation room, watching Preston operate. It didn't end well. Afterwards, she joined him in an on call room, and they just sat, listening the Eugene Foote play on the hi-fi.

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