The End Of The World As We Know It

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Some days are made of silent anticipation.

Grace wandered over to the board where Derek was stood. 'Quiet board.' She held out a coffee.

'Yeah, just don't say that to the Chief. What's this?'

'An elephant in a tutu,' she said deadpan before chuckling. 'Just coffee, and a peace offering.'

Derek looked at her and then the coffee, before finally taking the drink. 'A peace offering?' He started drinking it.

'Yeah, I woke up this morning and I just…couldn't be arsed disliking you anymore.' Grace said without looking at him. 'I've decided to offer a new start to you. Obviously we have history and common…things but we have more in common than we like to admit.'

'Okay,' Derek said after a long moment. 'Alright, a new start for us. But what happened to trigger this?'

Grace stayed quiet for a while. 'Your Mom called,' she chuckled as Derek groaned. 'Yeah. It was the same stuff she's said for the past…however many years, but this time…I'm just tired of us dancing around. For crying out loud I enjoyed the fact that you were here for two months before you found me!'

Derek chuckled at that. 'Yeah, the hospital is not that big.'

'Exactly, so…fresh start, hence the coffee.'

'Here's to fresh starts then.' Derek held out his cup and she tapped her own against it.


Grace was almost bouncing at the elevator doors, waiting for them to open.

'You are very happy today.' Addie said as she came to a stop beside her.

'Yes I am!' Grace said with a smile. 'Miranda is on her way up to give birth to my godson. Of course I'm happy.'

'Well, it's good to see you like this. And as a bonus, you're worrying your – are you doing that deliberately?'

Grace looked at Addie in confusion. 'Doing what?'

'This.' Addie lifted one of Grace's hands as it clenched tightly.

'Er…' Grace tried to figure out how to avoid answering but was saved by the elevator doors opening. 'Miranda!'

'Yeah, yeah, I know, he's coming.' Miranda said this grumpily, but there was a smile trying to take purchase on her face.


Grace wasn't happy when she'd been called away to take care of another birth. And she made sure her residents knew it, she made sure her interns knew it and even the nurses. The only people that didn't know it were the expectant parents.

'Okay Maisie,' Grace said after her initial exam. 'Good news, you are definitely in labour, bad news, it's still going to be a while before you get your baby.

Maisie Lawson chuckled slightly, and nudged her husband. 'I told you there was no need to rush Tom.'

'My wife starts having contractions, with our first baby, excuse me for panicking a bit.'

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