Bring The Pain

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Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.

Grace chuckled as Miranda got into the elevator. 'So…I heard you've got a guy watching porn today.'

'Don't even,' Miranda said, lifting her hand. 'He's allergic to all pain relief. I had to throw Karev out, then O'Malley, then the other three. Damn Rosemary's babies, all of them.'

'I heard something about Naughty Nurses, was it good?' Grace with a casual air.

Miranda spluttered at her. 'You – why I – ' the doors opened and she stepped out. 'You're worse than the interns!'

Grace just laughed as the doors shut and the lift went on its way. It was so rare she got a reaction like that from her friend.

Grace looked up when she heard a gurney approaching.

'The rookie who let himself get shot. I'm never gonna live this down.' The patient said, he must be the cop that was brought in.

O'Malley hit the button even though it was lit up already. 'Sure, you will.'

'You think?'

Grace chuckled drawing their attention. 'Don't worry officer, nobody expects perfection when you're learning. Not from cops, not from doctors. Your colleagues will just be happy when you recover.'

'Thanks Ma'am,' the cop said with a slight smile.

As the doors opened to reveal an empty elevator, Grace got in and stood right in the corner so Karev and O'Malley would have space for the gurney, then she carried on reading her paperwork.

After the doors shut, Karev looked at O'Malley. 'What's the deal with lzzie?'

'She shaved her legs for you.'

'And?' Karev said dismissively.

'And, you didn't even kiss her good night.'

Grace chuckled. 'Ooh, bad.'

The cop on the bed spoke up. 'She shaved her legs for you and you didn't follow through?'

Karev frowned slightly. 'Hey, I always follow through.'

O'Malley scoffed at this. 'You didn't last night.'

'Mind your own business.'

'He lives with them, she made it his business.' Grace said looking up from her paperwork.

O'Malley nodded. 'Exactly, thank you, Doctor Mason.' He looked back at Karev. 'She had expectations. Women have expectations. And you didn't meet them. I live with these women. And every time you guys don't meet their expectations, I have to hear about it. I didn't get any sleep last night. So, you know, it is my business.'

Grace smiled at O'Malley, glad he was sticking up for himself, and not being so puppy like.

Her smiled quickly faded when there was a clatter, the elevator stopped and the lights went off. The emergency lighting flicked on after a moment but they weren't moving.

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