Deny, Deny, Deny

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It's not denial. I'm selective about the reality I accept.

Grace was sat with Miranda in Joe's bar, each of them with a glass of bourbon. Neither really in the mood for talking.

Then Shepherd came and sat on the other side of Miranda. And he started talking as well.

'Meredith kissed me. Addison kissed me.' He included Joe as he brought over a drink for him. 'My wife and my girlfriend kissed me on the same day.'

Miranda looked at Joe. 'Joe. Do we look friendly to you?'

'Oh. Yeah, you're two tiny kittens of joy and love.' They both gave the bartender unimpressed looks. 'What? He saved my life.'

'His first mistake.' Miranda and Grace said together.

Miranda nodded away into the room 'McDreamy, go sit by someone who cares.'

McDreamy ignored the warning. 'Everything's gonna be fine. Addison'll go back to New York,' he paused but otherwise ignored Grace's snort. 'Meredith and I will start over, everything's gonna be fine. Right?'

'You so damn stupid.' Miranda said after a moment, making Grace snigger into her drink.

'I'm pretty sure I'm still your boss.' Shepherd said with a slight smile.

'I'm pretty sure I'm still not scared of you, and I'm not at work.'

'Besides,' Grace said with a smirk. 'I have seniority, you've only been here a couple of months.'

Shepherd just glared at her, but that had never bothered her before.

Grace was walking along, nose in a chart, when a familiar voice pulled her to a stop.

'You're going to walk into a wall one day.'

Backing up a few steps, Grace grinned into the room. 'Jeremiah!' She walked over to him, smiling. 'Does Miranda know you're here?'

'Yep,' he nodded and waved at the door. 'She just left with an intern, she was bragging about me.' He finished in a confiding whisper.

Grace laughed and grabbed a look at his chart. 'Hm, well you're in good hands, like always. She may call them Rosemary's babies but she has the best interns out of the latest pack. You been good until now?'

'Yeah, I was in Oregon in May, raised 20k.'

'Well, I'm impressed, Miranda's got a reason to brag, I can't run to the end of the block without wanting to call a cab.' Grace put the chart back. 'I've got to go, but I'll see you later, yeah?'

'Sure, bring me a story to embarrass Miranda with.'

Grace just laughed as she walked out the hoping, mentally crossing her fingers that he'd pull off another recovery.

Grace went to Ellis' room hoping that maybe she's be a bit more lucid today. The last couple of times Grace visited, Ellis hadn't known who she was, which was a shame because they'd gotten along pretty well the few times they'd met in Boston.

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