Who's Zoomin' Who?

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I wanted to tell you all my secrets, but you became one of them instead.

Grace was sat in Richard's office when he walked in, not looking very happy. 'Is this a bad time?'

'No, no. We can still do lunch.' The Chief took his seat and smiled at her. 'What have you got for me this time?'

'Garlic and tomato chicken with salad, and some triple chocolate cookies.' She handed over the tub.

'Just what I need right now.'

They had just finished their lunch, talking about nothing in particular, both ignoring Richard rubbing his head occasionally, when Shepherd walked in.

He frowned slightly at Grace but then proceeded to ignore her. 'You dropped a retractor.'

Richard looked at him before nodding. 'Fine, no you stay,' he said as Grace went to stand. 'A few weeks ago I was operating and the vision in my right eye became blurry.'

Grace frowned at this, quickly running over the last few weeks in her head, and realising she had seen Richard rubbing his eyes or head a lot.

'After a few hours, it was fine. It comes back again.'

'Did you have it checked out?' Shepherd asked, moving closer.

'Examination was normal. My ophthalmologist tells me I'm just getting older. But you know what a decline in my visual acuity could mean. Both of you.'

'So you'll get some tests done.' Grace said firmly.

Shepherd huffed a little. 'For once I'm agreeing with Mason. I'll set the tests up.'

'Shep, Gracie, I know how the rumour mill works around here,' he gave them both a look. 'Let's just keep this to ourselves.'

'Absolutely.' Shepherd agreed easily. 'Yeah.' He turned and left the office, making Richard turn his attention to her.

Gracie groaned slightly. 'Fine, but Adele will kill me.'

'I'll buy you a bottle of bourbon.' Richard said with a slight smile.

'It better be the good stuff.'

Grace stood at the door to the room where Richard and Patricia were lecturing the staff about the syphilis outbreak. And she was trying very hard to not laugh at the Chief's expressions.

She watched as Shepherd spoke to him and they both headed towards the door she was stood at.

Richard gave her the stink eye. 'Don't think I didn't see you giggling away over here.'

Grace gave him an innocent look. 'I don't know what you're talking about Chief.'

'Yeah right,' Richard said with an eye roll.

'Hey, I deal with the number one side effect of unprotected sex. Yours is easily dealt with using some penicillin, mine lasts a lot longer.'

That got her a chuckle. 'Fine, fine. I'll see you later.'

'Richard,' she said as they walked off. 'Keep me updated, yeah?'

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