Thanks For The Memories

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Being grateful means appreciating who and what you have today.

'I missed a heart catching fire?' Grace said, as she stood looking down on the reception with Miranda.


'And an adult teratoma?' She asked after sipping her drink.


'And a guy fell five storeys and only killed a pigeon?'

'Yep, O'Malley stills goes on about that one.'

'And you finally told the Chief you're pregnant.' Grace chuckled at that one. 'I can't believe he didn't notice before now.'

Miranda snorted. 'Damn man is as blind as a bat.'

Grace finished the last of her hot chocolate. 'Well, that's the last time I take a vacation. But at least I've got a tan.'

'Just in time for Thanksgiving,' Miranda said with a laugh as they went separate ways.

'Have you seen the Nazi?'

Grace looked up from the paperwork she was doing at the nurse's station. 'Not lately…you must be Doctor Kent, from Mercy West. I'm – '

'I don't care,' Kent said dismissively. 'Just tell the Nazi I'm looking for him?'

Grace exchanged a look with the nurse that was beside her. 'Yes sir, I'll tell…him as soon as I see him.'

Kent walked off without another word.

'Bailey manoeuvred him into doing all the sutures in the pit while she's sorting the surgeries.'

Grace snorted. 'Sounds about right.'


'Adele will kill you.' Grace laughed when Richard jumped.

'Do not call her,' he said as he turned back to the board.

Grace just smiled and walked away.

'I mean it Grace! You better not throw me under the bus again!'


Grace saw George in one of the pit bays as she was passing through and stopped. Knocking on the door, she walked in with a smile.

'Hey there Doctor O'Malley, everything alright?'

'Doctor Mason, yes everything is fine, thanks.' George paused and then gestured at his patient. 'Oh, this is my Dad, Dad this is Doctor Mason, she's an Attending here, so she's my boss's boss.'

'Nice to meet you Doctor,' Mr O'Malley said happily as she moved towards his head.

Grace grinned and shook his offered hand. 'And you Mr O'Malley, I must say you have raised an amazing young man. George is a brilliant Doctor.'

'Thanks very much Doc. Georgie was just telling me he did heart surgery in an elevator.'

'That he did, he saved a cop's life,' Grace was more than happy to brag about George to his Dad. 'All the while dealing with the Attending in the corner drugged up to keep her from having a panic attack.'

Mr O'Malley blinked a couple of times but George jumped in before he could speak.

'You were fine Doctor Mason, I already said you didn't bother me,' George turned to his Dad and he continued picking out what appeared to be birdshot. 'Doctor Mason has a nerve thing Dad, but she's an amazing Doctor, I don't think I've heard a single person say anything bad about her since I've been here.'

Grace laughed at that. 'Clearly you haven't talked to my interns George.'

'I wouldn't know what you're talking about Ma'am.'

'Sure, sure,' Grace smiled back at Mr O'Malley. 'Well, I'll leave you to your son's excellent care, it was nice to meet you sir.'

'You too Doctor Mason, happy Thanksgiving.'

'And to you as well,' Grace smiled at George as she left.


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