Break On Through

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You go right up to the line. Some people are obviously crossing over it.

Grace chuckled as Yang got pelted by food, listening to Izzie's complaints. Just as Izzie was about to go forward, Grace went first.

And not one piece of food came her way. Not one of the nurses jeered at her.

In the entrance Yang was staring at her. When Izzie finally came in she also stared at her.

'That's why it pays to be nice to the nurses.' Grace said with grin.


Grace was stood beside Derek and Preston, trying not to chuckle as they struggled to find what they needed.

'Where's Edmund's chart?'

'I need vitals.'

Patricia came over and interrupted the complaints. 'You know why I stopped being a nurse? Doctors. Doctors who don't know how to pitch in. You should all take a page from Doctor Mason's book.' Patricia smiled at Grace and then walked off.

Grace took the chart she'd been waiting for from the nurse. 'Thanks…Rachel? Right?'

'That's right. And you're welcome Doctor Mason. We all got told about you.'

'I'm flattered.' Grace turned and aimed a smug smile at her two colleagues.

Derek jumped on Richard as soon as he appeared round the corner. 'This place is going to hell; we need the real nurses.' He and Grace started walking with the Chief. Grace, purely for amusement, she didn't have much work.

'We need an additional 40 nurses to relieve the overtime they're striking about. That's $2 million a year we don't have.'

'Have you checked under the couch?' Derek asked glibly. 'I always find spare change under the cushions.' He came to a stop, Grace beside him as Richard started up the stairs. The Chief just gave him a dirty look. 'Okay, I'm silencing myself.'

Richard switched his look to her, but before he said anything Grace spoke first.

'I warned you. And you know full well I treat the nurses five times better than any other Doctor in this place. There's no way I'd disrespect them by outright telling you.'

The Chief glared and then walked off.

Derek looked at her for a moment. 'So…did you hear who was taking Bailey's interns?'

Grace started laughing. 'Oh, they are going to chew her up and spit her out.'

When Grace had a minute she grabbed the large bag of containers she had brought. Going out the main entrance she found one of the head nurses. 'Hey, Margo, I've got these, will you make sure everyone gets something?'

Margo, and all the nearby nurses, smiled at her. 'Thank you Doctor Mason, you're the only Doctor in there we don't mind working with every day.

Grace blushed slightly and nodded. 'Thank you. Do you know if George O'Malley is still…hesitating?'

'He's a sweetie, and still at the edge of the carpark.'

'Thanks Margo.' Grace walked around the group and worked her way to George's side.

'Hi there.'

George jumped. 'Doctor Mason? I'm-I'm sorry. I know I should – '

Grace held up a hand to cut him off. 'George, I'm not bothered. I just brought you this.' She held out a small bag containing a coffee and a muffin. 'Enjoy.'

Grace was stood at the desk, listening to Patricia talk to Richard. When Patricia left, he came to stand beside her.

'I don't really…need the robot.'

'No. I did mention that at the time.'

'But we do need the nurses.'

'We'll always need the nurses.' Grace said with a smile. 'The doctors? They're the muscles, but the nurses are the blood that keeps them going.'

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