3 - Outburst

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Typed On - 02/10/2018

Chapter 3- Outburst

Think Jaanvi, think before he eats you alive.

"Why should I tell you? Who are you anyways?" She questions with confidence as she folds her arms with attitude. She squints her eyes at him and jiggles her to piss him off. It seems to work by the flare of his nostrils.

He scoffs moving his feet around the spot to control his temper, "I'm the Kiaan Rajput." He starts twisting his wrist watch, coping her interpretation. His lips seconds away from smirking.

"And what have you done in your life to be worthy enough to add the 'the' before saying your name?" She inquires wriggling her brows. He opens his mouth to speak but she shows him her palm. "Oh wait, sorry. All you do is show off. You only spend your parent's money. That's it. Those girls you date, I pity them. I'd rather marry some ugly guy then you Mr Show offer."

Jaanvi was extremely pleased with her comeback and determination to roast him.

"Done?" He asks getting annoyed with her non-stop bickering. "I added the, 'the' because I deserve it. Yeah my dad helped my build up my business in India but I run it, not him. And about showing off, if I wear something it's up to others to think about it not me. I'll wear what I like, I'll do what I like, how I like and when I like." He leans closer empathizing each and every word as if indirectly warning her for the future.

Jaanvi moves back increasing the distance between the two. He continues. "And I get what I like." And I get what I like. Jaanvi mouths like a spoilt little baby. He points his finger at her stepping closer, invading her personal space once again. She being stubborn didn't move back this time.

"If I'm going to think about other's opinion I might as well die then. It's my choice to spend my money on whatever and however I want. Get that? And speaking about dating, all the girls I dated know exactly what I am and who I am. I'd rather consider marrying someone low class than you monkey." He bluffs shoving her head like she's no one special.

Jaanvi slaps his hand becoming ill-tempered now. She frowns hearing his harsh words, "Low class? You mean low class people don't have a damn life? What do you think, that they are snails?" She yell pushing him away from her, "You are an educated narrow minded bastard. And my dad expects me to marry you! I'm going nuts." Jaanvi's blood starts to boil. She holds her spinning head from all the yelling.

Doesn't he get tired of arguing so much?

Because of her push he stumbles back, clearly not expecting that, getting aggravated he says, "Shut up, okay? We are stuck together. Deal with it. It's not like I'm dying to call you my wife." He yells.

"Say no, say no to your parents. Tell them that I have sleeping problems." She suggests quickly without thinking twice or thrice.

"I can't. And my mum will find out I'm lying." He answers back quickly too pulling his hair.

She walks around the whole garden in frustration and panic. Kiaan doesn't know what to do so he follows her as well like a lost puppy. "Stop following me." She gritted, "We aren't getting married today that you're walking behind me in circles. Besides, I think the girl walks behind the guy first." She mumbles trying to recall the tradition from all the weddings she's attended.

"Yeah, you know it's not fair. One walks ahead for three rounds and the other walks in front for four rounds. Why isn't is equal?" He asks walking behind her, genuinely curious.

"Even I don't know." This was the first time they probably ever spoke to each other without fighting or giving sarcastic replies. "Hold on." She stops and whirls around facing him now. "Tell her that you got a girl pregnant." She smiles hoping he'll agree.

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