Bonus Chapter

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This bonus chapter is my way of saying thank you to you guys for 700k+ reads. Also this was requested by some readers, so here it is.

ALSO! The gif is basically how I imagine Jaanvi and Kiaan behave after their stupid fights when they are all good.

Not Edited- Like always, lol.

Started Typing On - 09/05/2019 (10.33 AM till 05.21 PM)

Bonus Chapter-


Author's Pov: Chapter based one Kiaan and Jaanvi's third year into marriage

The spatula licks away the chocolate cake mixture from the big glass bowl, it makes a familiar soft scraping noise, the one they were used to because she loved baking. Her son watches from standing up on the couch for a better view as he holds the wall for support so he doesn't fall on his face flat. Those innocent big eyes go bigger seeing the smooth rich chocolate mixture dripping into the cake pan and he licks his mouth feeling the hunger rushing back to him.

"Cak," He tries to whisper softly but his voice comes out like a loud squeak in happiness, his mother's eyes automatically finds him standing up but his legs wobbly from the soft sofa bending down, seeing the little two year old and three month old son about to fall from the pressure she tries not to run fast but drop the idea once Ishaan's expressions turn confused, his brown honey bee eyes going big and soft pinkish red lips parting to say something.

Right now the most important thing for her was her son's safety, which seemed on the line. His small soft hands try to reach out to her hold onto her hand but falls on the couch with his head hitting the wall behind. His small hands flies into the back of his head and he lets out a pitiful sob breaking Jaanvi's heart.

It's been hard for her. The recovery of her grandmother's death still felt so fresh, so fresh and new because seeing her own son playing with his grandparents sometimes stung her heart because her own wasn't here. She only had her grandmother out of all her grandparents, and she also left just a few months after Ishaan's birth.

It was getting hard. They had shifted into a new house because the last one was unsafe for a little naughty and adventurist kid like Ishaan. He'd always nag his parents of nanu (Grandfather) Ansh to take him to the balcony, and like Jaanvi being herself, she panicked every time he was out. What if he falls? The possibilities of the younger Rajput were high at stakes since he loved looking down at people walking around. So they shifted. It's been around one month since they've shifted but Jaanvi's still having trouble to get use to the surroundings.

"Ishaan!" She hisses quietly so she doesn't disturb her father and husband. Sitting on the couch she pulls Ishaan into her lap and starts rubbing and massaging his head gently. The touch of his silky baby like hair melts her heart a little, flipping her body inside out but she ignores that to look strict. "Why were you standing? What if you had gotten hurt?"

His happy curled up lips from being close to her heart turned upside down into a sad line and his cheeks go red, just like they did whenever he cried. He rips his arms away from her middle and moves away from her chest and folds his arms looking away to show he's angry at her. Drama queen, just like Kiaan.

Kiaan does that more often now. Whenever he's angry or just generally upset he'd look away from Jaanvi and folds his arms across his chest, his actions speaking thousands of words.

"Ha, ha, go on," she murmurs rolling her eyes at her sons back when he tries to wriggle out of her strong grip around him. She tightens her hold and whirls him around so he faces her. Oh, his stubborn boy. He still didn't look at her. "-weren't your nanu and father enough to show me this look that now even you." She pouts seeing the lack of attention from her son.

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