94- 'Is This What Depression Is?'

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Started Typing On - 30/03/2019

Chapter 94- 'Is This What Depression Is?'


Jaanvi's Pov:

I texted Aditi last night, that's different that I didn't get a response from her side. At first I started panicking, thinking of all the negative things like she's left me, she's angry, she's dead. Probably the worst things you could ever think about your best friend. Turns out Kiaan noticed my anxious behaviour, explaining why I was pacing around the room he laughed. Yeah, he laughed. 'She's gone to her village for a family wedding. The networks sucks over there so try tomorrow.'

Well, I'd be lying if I say I didn't feel the jealously. I was already jealous by the time Kiaan spilled the beans. Too many questions were giving birth in my head. A- How does he know? B-How does he remember this? C-Why does he care where my best friend is? And D- Why the hell did he tell me! Because now I want to kill him for knowing her location. I think that's the good thing about marrying your childhood friend because he caught my expressions faster than anyone could.

'Chill, Dhruv told me.' He had added. I just nodded and slept. And now I'm just sitting on the sofa as Kiaan rans back and forth into the room. First he forgot his watch. The question is, who wears watches now? Aren't phones enough? Anyways, he hurried inside the room again for his file, then Mr Slow realised he's supposed to wear black tie on top of his white shirt today. Off he goes, running like a kid for ice cream. Or chocolate. And I just watch, completely bored.

"I'll be back at around six thirty, then we can head out and eat?" He questioned, sitting on the stool trying to wear his watch. I noticed how his mouth realised a 'shh,' after feeling the cold metal watch making contact with the skin. He twisted the watch, making it face him once he flips his hand, being satisfied he smiled running his hand through his still wet hair.

"Dry your hair." I wasn't going to just let him walk out with wet hair. He'll catch a cold. That wasn't even my concern, to be frank, he can catch a cold, least he'd shut his mouth for an hour or so. He doesn't stop speaking, his mouth just doesn't zip up. Now I understand how my quiet father felt about my mouth chattering away about ridicules things which didn't even make sense.

The thing was, he was wearing a white shirt. And white shirts aren't the best option to ever wear with wet hair. Perhaps I was right, Dhruv is the smarter brother. His hair-which I think he didn't even dry-were dripping down his face into his neck, the top part of his shirt was close to soaking. Can't he feel it? And as always, his shirts outline his fit body.

He shot me a confused look, tying his black tie around the collar of his shirt. "Why? It'll get dry by the time I'm off. I think." His voice was obviously confused with his own statement. I walked inside the room, muttering 'stupid,' fifty times before picking up the towel he threw on the bed.

"Stop throwing the towel on the bed!" It's not my fault that the neat Jaanvi growls at him. The bed was wet by now. Throwing the towel at his face I glared at him. "Dry your hair." I muttered, sitting back on the sofa, scrolling through my messages to see Aditi hasn't been online for a whole day. I sigh.

"I'm not drying my hair, I've got other things to do." I glanced up at him, glaring to see him busy typing some email on his laptop sitting on the counter. I watched briefly in silence hearing the keyboard making clicking sound as he typed away. His right hand reached out to the counter to get a hold of the lunchbox I had prep eared this morning.

I-                    Hey, text me back when you're free.

I left another text to Aditi to try my luck. Talking to Jacinda for an hour sort of opened another door for me. I missed my relationship with Aditi. It sucked how I was willing to speak to a stranger instead of my best friend for years. I chewed on my lower lip anxiously.

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