86- 'Going Well'

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Happy Birthday @abd330  dude! I hope you have the best day and enjoy it with family and friends. Don't eat too much cake lol, I can't afford to pick you up then Aunty!

Started Typing On - 22/03/2019

Chapter 86- 'Going Well'


Author's Pov:

In a second-a moment everything had changed. For all those years of blaming herself for something she hadn't done went to vail. For all those years of punishing herself, of keeping herself from others. Maybe if she knew this from the start she'd be a different version of herself? Maybe a stronger or weaker one, nobody knows. But least maybe she wouldn't just cry on her birthdays and not celebrate it like others. Those years were waste of tears. Waste of being weak.

Juhi was taken away, charged for murder. She didn't apologise, nor did she say anything. She was just walked away with her daughter crying behind her. Rashi did everything, everything she could do to save her mother. She begged Jaanvi, Kiaan Dhruv and even Raj to take the complaint back but they all just ignored her.

Though Sanjay hadn't been a part of any of this, Jaanvi still couldn't tolerate seeing any of them in her house. He did see his wife slapping Jaanvi few times when she was little but didn't stop his wife, he thought maybe she was trying to control a spoilt Jaanvi. He never did something-it was like he was asleep most of his life.

"My father paid eighty percent for this house, I'd hand you over the twenty percent you invested in this property. For now, leave." Sanjay just lowered his head in shame, he walked out the house, having his back to the family members. He stayed on his spot, looking over. "Jay and Rashi?" His voice was hard to bear with the thick amount of emotions lacing around it.

"You can't do that." Jay looked astonished, he shook his head violently not agreeing to their terms.

"Just get out before we kick you out ourselves!" Kajal angrily replied, glaring at him.

"We can't. Please, w-we s-spent our childhood here." Rashi whispered, wiping her tears furiously. She gazed up to see Jaanvi holding her hand and Jay's, taking the outside the main door.

"A childhood with my screams covering up the whole house every time I was locked in that store room. I think you have enough guilt to hold that another one in your shoulders could be too heavy." She stepped forward, her both hands reaching out to close the door. The door was just about to shut on the twins faces when she muttered the last words, "I hope your life is living hell. Good bye." And shut. The door slammed on their face.

Jaanvi's fingers were still holding onto the door handle, gripping onto it as a support for her body to stand up. She felt a presence behind her, her body automatically stiffened not wanting to be touched. She moved to her right, letting Kiaan's hand fall in space. Without giving anyone a single glance she ran upstairs into her room, shutting the door with a thud.

Kiaan massaged his temple, pushing his finger into his head furiously. Once he heard the bedroom door slam, he stalked Jaanvi's direction but stopped hearing a house. "Don't." He turned around to see Aditi. His eyebrows crocked up at her. "Give her some space. I-I don't think she'd be happy having anyone around. And I don't think you'd be happy to see her like that." Aditi's voice trailed down the hill as she softly spoke. Her eyes lowered and her lips quivered in sadness.

"Yeah," His father sighed, putting his hand on Kiaan's shoulder, gently pressing on it. "She'll be fine after some time."

Aditi shook her head, letting a painful breath out. "She won't. S-S-She can't forget anything and this is related to her mum." She raised her hand up in the air, letting them drop down in sadness. She dropped her head back a little, biting onto her lip. "J-Just check on her in an hour or so."

They were all sitting in the living room for around forty minutes. His dad was on the phone talking to someone who just called. He moved away from the living room, heading out to the garden. His sister and Aditi were in the kitchen, throwing away the food which was cooked by Juhi since they know nobody would dare to eat it. Especially Ansh and Jaanvi. Both the girls were busy preparing lunch and Roshni was still with grandma.

"I thought everything was going well." Kiaan spoke in his deep voice. The pain was noticeable to his brother with regret showing in his eyes. Maybe attending this dinner wasn't the best idea? He let his head fall back on the couch, closing his eyes once the light shone on his face.

"And I thought I was going to become an uncle." Dhruv muttered under his breath. Their world had just been turned around in these few hours and his brother was sad about not being an uncle. Kiaan shot him a look, narrowing his eyes to shut Dhruv's mouth. "What?"

"Are you stupid?" Kiaan practically yelled, putting his elbows in hand leg as he buried his head inside his hands. Exhaling out all the frustration and negativity. "You know those nine days in New York were the best." He whispered more to himself then his brother.

Dhruv scoffed, running his hand through his jet black hair before he answers looking down. "I can imagine." He rolled his eyes before realisation hit him harder than a wave, "-Sorry not imagine, I can tell."

Ignoring his brother he got up from the couch, stretching a little before informing, "I'm going to check on Jaanvi." Once received a nod, Kiaan made his way upstairs. With each step he took his heart swelled up. He wasn't ready to make eye contact with her red-bloodshot eyes. He wasn't prepared to see her face worn out as if she's been hungry and working constantly for months or even years. Or her damped saree from the juice spillage. Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door, his knuckled touched the brown door making enough noise for her to hear from her bed.

"Jaanvi?" He called out, knocking again to make sure he's allowed to walk in. He waited for a minute for her answer but didn't get one. Turning the door knob he walked inside the room quietly as if he was about to rob something expensive and didn't wanted to be caught. His shoes touched the carpet which laid close to her bed. His worried eyes scanned from the right side of the bed to the left. And she wasn't there.

"Ariel." He called out a little louder this time. His voice was tight, super tight that he felt the need to dry water. He was ready to head out the room and bang on his father-in-law's room when he heard the tap on. His eyes flipped onto the bathrooms direction, walking closer making sure not to make any noise. He placed his ear on the door, hearing the water run down in a fast speed.

"Jaa--" His voice never finished off his sentence or her name when his eyes narrowed in fear. Shit. He wiggled the door knob, trying everything he could to twist it open to even break the door. He yelled out for his brother, screaming his lungs out when he started kicking the door in a harsh and worried way. His shoes contacted with the door again and again, but it was too strong for him to break. She doesn't bath. She showers. Was the last thing running in his head before he kept on kicking again and again to let himself inside the bathroom.

Married My Enemy

Short chapter because I had a hectic day.

BTW I think this story would end at chapter 106 or 111.

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