76- The Rising Respect

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This chapter is dedicated to all those who are self-conscious. #BodyShamingNeedsToStop

Ps- Around three or four chapters left until Juhi's ugly truth comes out.

Started Typing On - 15/03/2019

Chapter 76- The Rising Respect


Kiaan's Pov:

My parents had a love marriage. I wouldn't say it was messy nor was it easy. Typical Asian or I guess Indian parents I should say, warned my mum to not marry my dad. 'Don't marry someone outside of your caste!' But mum was pretty stubborn, that's where I get my stubbornness from. End of the day, she became a Rujput. Unlike Jaanvi's mother's family, ours are still in contact and had openly welcomed dad into the family after I was born.

I thought I'd have a hard time with my own married life after knowing my parents chose Jaanvi for me. But ours was different. It wasn't our parents giving us a hard time, we were. Both of us were lost. In many ways. Once my name was given to her I thought 'Well, we'll probably end up dying without even saying I love you.'

'Don't predict the future.' My dad use to say. Oh, how right he was. At first I thought she was joking. But her face remained straight, it was her tears which proved how sincerely honest she was about her feelings. Looking at her speed of how fast she ended up blunting it out I was kinda ashamed at myself. I took bloody forever to confess and she took less than five minutes.

I woke up from the noise of the traffic. You usually couldn't hear it but since I lived in the city, and very close to the highway, I could hear the rare horns blowing. Giving myself a moment to shed the sleep away from my brain, to allow the dark vision of the night to give way to the day I yawned. I was greeted by the bright sunlight on my eyes from the little open curtain making me automatically groan.

I burrowed myself into the warm, soft and delicate body of Jaanvi's still above me. I smiled easily remembering the last night's event. How beautiful and sweet she was. How much I realised, found out after so long that I craved for her. How warm and amazing she felt close to me. I pushed away the few strands of her hair behind her ear, she nuzzled closer into my body, keep her palms down on my chest. Her breaths steady and easy.

I rubbed the remaining sleep away from my eyes, looking at the bedside clock. Seven thirty-six. My hands were tightly but carefully wrapped around Jaanvi body, making sure I don't wake her up when the landline rang. Who on earth would call at this time? I honestly wanted to sleep over the phone, letting it buzz but the volume was so irritating and loud that I worried it'll wake up the tired Jaanvi.

Her hand on my chest was easily removed by me, without disturbing her sleep but this girl had serious sleeping issues. Oh god! I rub my temple annoyed. And my expressions turned stone. Her other hand was under my waist, as if I was a soft teddy which would slide away from her hold. I lifted my body up a little, trying to push her hand away from myself when the phone stopped buzzing.

I'll just sleep. But a second letter it rang again. Who the fuck is it? It couldn't be Nidhi because she always texts, phone calls aren't her things. Even if she needs help she'd rather show up to my doorstep to talk directly rather than stutter over the phone without seeing my expressions. It couldn't be Aarav because he'd be on the road, driving to his work. And Reyansh wouldn't bother calling me twice. The man doesn't even have my landline, for god sake. I groan lowly, putting her body on the mattress, covering her up with the blanket I noticed she snuggled closer to the woollen blanket, hugging it to herself. I smiled. And then it was the most difficult part. Her bloody leg. They were all over my leg, and my stomach. Though she was laying on the mattress, her face was still facing me and her legs were still on mine.

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