11- A Little Closer

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Kiaan talking about his kids above.

Typed On - 13/10/2018

Chapter 11- A Little Closer

When that one person you adore, you love and you care about disappoints you there is no repairing that can be done.

She did have a temper, just like her mother. Everybody saw the negative side of hers which was bold and genuine. Nobody likes hearing the truth, do they? They didn't want to understand her pain, her anger, her childhood. Ansh did raise her, but he went to work too and so much could go wrong in those hours. Those excruciating long hours. Only Jaanvi knows—remembers and feels—what she went through.

The slap didn't wound her but the reason behind it did. Why though? Is speaking the truth wrong? Was it wrong of her to say it's her house? Why is she told—brought up—to respect elder even if they don't deserve it? Some people could fake their love, Jaanvi can't.

She was very clear with who she hates and who she loves. There was no in-between.

Perhaps today she finally realised she doesn't hate anyone as much as Juhi.

She perseveres on her journey to nowhere without once looking back. Then in a lightning-fast second, a rough hand draws her back, her pace halts. Jaanvi turns around to meet those dark brown eyes boring into hers. If the street light wasn't working she wouldn't recognize they're brown and not black under the darkness but right now—under the harsh bright orange light—they look the perfect and incredible mix of dark orange and yellowish caramel chocolate.

She directly stares into his eyes. She saw concern in them first, then disapproval and lastly acerbic. Her mouth dries. Kiaan looks nothing but a living hulk. In her heart, she was still hoping for him to embrace her into his warm body and asks if she's okay but instead he yells incredulously.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind? Why would you walk out of your house at this hour? Especially wearing this." His objects to her choice of clothes was direct. Jaanvi visually flinches in terror at his loud tone. Looking down she saw her clothes. She was wearing her short sleeve white top with black pyjamas, not something you'll wear out.

"Why are you here?" Jaanvi asks trying to jerk his hand away from her but fails. His grip was too strong and is working well to crush her small wrists.

"Listen here you stubborn cat," Her nickname brought butterflies in her stomach "Stop being careless and foolish. I don't care what happened, or how it happened, what I care about is you being mature. Which you're not. Walking out of your house, ignoring your best friend who is trying to help you, indicates nothing but you being an imbecile. Now act like an adult and sit inside the car." He tone can't be judged as a negative attitude because he has the right to be angry and protective towards his fiancé.

The scolding wasn't her concern and neither did it provoke her to oppose him. It was her father who didn't want her anymore. Kiaan's vein-popping arm points to his car which Dhruv opened the door of with a hesitant walk and face.

"No," She shakes her head, "D-dad doesn't w-want me." She whispers looking down in shame and dejected by the rejection. The only person she ever loved—loves is upset with her. Her heart twists.

"What?" Kiaan's tone fills in disbelief looking at her like she's gone mad, "What are you saying? He's been calling me for the past 20 minutes asking if you're with me." He effortlessly confronts.

"He asked?" Jaanvi's heart blooms in hope. Her twinkling eyes with tears study him to find any hint of lie and betrayal but she doesn't. He nods hopefully, "I-I won't go, s-she lives there." Jaanvi grits her teeth at the reality.

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