73- The Race Against Time

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Thank you to everyone who messaged/commented/and wrote on my message board to wish me on my birthday yesterday (6th) It's was incredibly sweet of you all, I was overwhelmed and felt very lucky.

Started Typing On - 07/03/2019

Started ReTyping On - 11/03/2019

Chapter 73- The Race Against Time


Author's Pov:

"This---" she paused, shaking her head in nervousness. Her expression was the exact same copy as Isabella Swan every time she spoke to Edward Cullen from Twilight. Speechless, more like not being able to put her feel into vocabulary. Worried that she'll make a fool out of herself. God, I never cared about others opinion so much. And Fidgety. She was super restless that she kept touching her wedding ring. Twisting it around as she kept looking at Kiaan who walked beside her.

He still was irritated at the lack of time management skills of hers but couldn't help but feel proud. Proud that his stone face was making her nervous. I should get angry more often to see this wild, loud cat turn into a mouse. If only he knew the exact reason behind her nervousness.

Ok, I could say something like, 'My eyes sparkle when I see you--' no, that sounds too cheesy. No, something---

"This what?" He asked. His voice flat, almost as if he doesn't care what she was going to say. He did care though, just didn't want to show it. Kiaan felt the need to remain cult with his replies for a littlw while.

"Oh, u-um." Her small confused eyes opened wide. She had forgotten what she was going to say. She looked away from him, keeping her brown gaze around the crowd, watching as people walked past wearing hideous clothes. Some had their faces covered in blood, not fully but enough to creep anyone out. Their white-ughh. White-shirts were dripping in the colour red, used to represent blood. And of course, a big bite around their neck, obviously they've been bit by a Vampire. How bloody, romantic. She thought sarcastically. 

"Zoning out again. How beautiful." The way he sarcastically rolled the word 'beautiful,' around his tongue had nearly had Jaanvi drop on her feet. He said it in a British accent having her shocked and numb. Did he always speak like this or was I never paying attention? She drew her noticeable shocked face from his to the crowd, ducking her head in as tall people went by.

In a protective manner, Kiaan puts his hand around her shoulder, pulling her closer to himself so she doesn't bump into people. Tall people. She didn't look up, she didn't had to. She was too sure about whose hand it was. She recognized the large soft hand of his, her lips smiling.

"Stop smiling." He said, keeping a strong serious face as he looked ahead of himself, making his way through the crowd. "I'm still angry." He added rather quickly so she doesn't start over thinking and twisting his words into a negative way. She still smiled, even let out a heart full chuckle this time, putting her hand on his waist since it was awkward with her free hand bumping into his hard chest every time they walked. Her chuckle was warm, light sounded swelling up his heart with love. Once again.

"And I'm still happy." She replied, gazing at the floor trying to match up her pace with his fast speed.

"Yeah right." He muttered under his breath, looking away from her smiling lightly.

Jaanvi was more like a young child getting excited for even small rides. She even got Kiaan to win a teddy for her. A little yellow fluffy teddy was all she wanted from the whole little super market. They lined up, partly her, Kiaan just stood beside her-outside the line-she looked ahead of her to see she's around the twentieth person in line. This will take forever. She mentally groaned, looking at Kiaan to see him smiling. His eyes locked onto his phone screen.

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