fifty three

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"When you say you're out, does that mean you're out out?" Red inquired.
"Yeah, man. Cold turkey," I nodded.
"Man, you know how much coke you could be moving at those art shows and shit? Plenty of folks need a bump or two to get the creative juices flowing," Red nodded, earning a nudge from Marcus.

"What?" Red's face scrunched up at the action.
"You know that's how you-know-who went out, man. Be a little more sensitive," Marcus mumbled.
Red kissed his teeth. "Sorry, Rock."

"It's all good, family. We can't act like it didn't happen, you know. . . It's a little easier to deal with now, so. . ." I trailed off, nodding and taking a swig of beer before sighing deeply.
"It's good that you got Quinn helping you through," Money nodded.
"Yeah, she's been a lot of help, and she doesn't even realize it," I smiled slightly at the thought.

"How are y'all anyway?" Red asked.
"Good," was all I said while glancing down at my half empty bottle.

To put it in simple terms, Quinn and I were dating again. I wanted to reignite those first date feelings for her, so I started doing all the things I used to. I bought her flowers at least once a week, I took her out for dates, I'd drop by the salon and slip her some extra money.

She seemed to be coming around more, and as a result, we were having fun with one another again.

In other news, I had an art show coming up, and pouring a lot of the grief into my works really helped me deal with Violet's death. There were also two pieces I did about Ava, her poetry serving as inspiration. I had yet to talk to her about it— really, I had yet to talk to her about anything since she told me she was pregnant, but I hoped to change that soon.

Soon enough, I was rising from my seat and saying my goodbyes to the fellas. I'd only been there for about half an hour, but if I wanted to catch Ava before she'd head back to her second job, I needed to leave now. It didn't take long to make it to her home, and just as I finished climbing the stairs, I spotted her locking her door. She was dressed in what was probably considered to be the uniform of a waitress.

"Maria," I spoke, catching her attention just as she was placing her keys in her purse.
Once she realized it was me, she mumbled. "Jamir's with my mom."
"I know. . . I also know that you know that you can hit me up any time Rah needs somewhere to go," I reminded her as she brushed past me to journey down the stairs.

"I didn't come here for that though," I trailed behind her.
"Juwan, I'm busy. I need to catch the—"
"I can take you to work. Come on," I followed her down the second set of stairs.
"I really don't need—"
"Come on, girl," I insisted.
She sighed deeply as we arrived to the lobby.

She halted, gazing up at me.
"Juwan, what do you want?" she asked.
"I want to talk," I replied.
"Now isn't the best time. I can't be late from my break—"
"I promise I'll have you there on time, Ava," I vowed.

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