fourth november

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It's November and sometimes it feels like Holt is part of my family.

            It's Thanksgiving, so again, he comes home with me and my sister.

            My parents are waiting for us with open arms and they're just as happy as seeing Holt as they are seeing their own children it seems.

It's just normal for Holt to be here now.

And Holt is just as familiar with them. He talks with my parents and they're aware of what's going on with him and he knows what's up with them, so they talk like they're just normally catching up and they don't need me around to explain anything. And there's something so beautiful about it, about having Holt interact with my parents so naturally, talking with my mom about what's going on with his job search and what happened with the people she referred him to, talking with my dad about his latest seminar, since Holt actually went to one.

Heck he's got my parents' phone numbers. He actually texts with them.

            He's just as close with my sister. When I was running around the country for interviews last years, I'm pretty sure they went to eat together and like shop too.

I've stopped worrying about him and my sister dating though. Maybe it's a little too trusting of me, but whenever they talk it really doesn't seem like they'll be tearing each other's clothes soon, and anyway, I trust my sister. She obviously knows how I feel about him. I just like the way they are together.

It's not just about the way he interacts with everyone in my family, but it's also the way he knows where everything is in the house. If he helps with the dishes, he knows where everything goes. He knows where the light switches are. He knows everyone's little habits, like at what time not to go to the bathroom because that's when my mom showers or my dad reads an entire magazine. He knows how everyone takes their coffees, what everyone's beverage of choice is. He knows who sits where around the table. He knows about the little details.

There's just something so amazing about it, about having Holt such a normal part of my family.

Because I know how Holt's family is now. For all intents and purposes, Holt doesn't have a family.

And I love him, so the least I can do is give him a new one.

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