Chapter Seven

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"Good morning." I said to Matthew the second he opened his eyes.

"Were you watching me sleep?" His voice was raspy and groggy.

"I was indeed, I figured if I leaned on you enough you would wake up."


I laid my head on his chest. "I heard you guys talking."

"Did you? What did you hear?"

I didn't want to mention the part about loving me, that was something he should tell me when he was ready. "That my uncle is dead."

"How do you feel about it?" He sighed.

"I'm not sure. Relieved that I will never have to see him, but also upset that I can't ask him why. I think it also makes me feel sad."

"Why sad?"

"I'm not sure. I think I feel bad."

"You shouldn't. You didn't make the mistake, he did."

"I know."

"BREAKFAST!" My mom yelled up the stairs.

I sat up and looked back at Matthew, "She never makes us breakfast."

"What do your parents even do?"

"Matthew, I have no idea. I barely speak to them. I just know I live here and they pay the bills."

"But what do you guys eat for breakfast if your mom doesn't cook for you?"

"You know the kitchen still works if someone besides your mom is in there cooking. Ray and I make our own food."

"I can't cook. I almost burned down the house when I was twelve, my mom doesn't let me in the kitchen."

"You are so ridiculous." I got up and ran out the room.

"Is the cooking thing a deal breaker for you? I can still take lessons." He called out following me out the room.

I sat next to Ray who was already sitting at the breakfast bar at the edge of the kitchen.

My mother paused when she saw Matthew. "Good morning Mrs. Allen."

"Good morning Matthew. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes ma'am, your daughter kicked me into the wall a few times, it was phenomenal."

Ray laughed and I elbowed Matthew. "I stopped falling asleep in her room for that same reason." Ray said.

"I didn't kick you last time!" I argued.

"Yeah because you were in a cheesecake coma."

Matthew burst into hysterical laughter. "Ninety percent of our dates have been at The Cheesecake Factory. I gained six pounds after two weeks of hanging out with her. She had to have three pieces every time."

"She will eat no less than three. But if you feed her cheesecake, she won't kick you in her sleep."

"Oh honey, you can't let her talk you into getting cheesecake all the time. We had to stop taking her because we were worried she would end up with health problems." My mom chimed in.

"Mom, don't help."

"I eventually got her to eat frozen yogurt, ice cream and actual food. Wasn't easy, but about a month ago she started agreeing to eat actual food for dinner."

"Cheesecake is food!" I protested.

"It's not dinner."

"How long has this seeing each other stuff been going on?" Ray said.

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