Chapter three

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Emily stood in front of the mirror looking at herself and she wondered if accepting to work on that engagement party was not the biggest mistake that she had ever made in her entire life.MaryBeth's proposal was just too good for her to refuse ...but now she was having cold feet.
"Pull yourself together Emily! You can handle this... it's not like you are the one getting engaged!", she said to her reflection in the mirror.
" Oh no! You are not going out looking like that!", she heard MaryBeth's voice behind her.
She turned to see her sister staring at her with a look of horror on her face.
" Emily you are not going to meet a very important client, looking as if you are going to walk his dogs!", her sister said walking straight past her and yanked open the wardrobe.
" When was the last time you went shopping?", MaryBeth asked looking at her little sister with wide eyes.
She was shocked to see that her sister only had jeans and a T-shirt hanging in her wardrobe.
" What for? I don't do fancy parties so no need for fancy clothes", Emily replied as she looked in the mirror again but she had to agree with her sister, jeans and T-shirt was so not appropriate to show up at Augustine's residence.
MaryBeth quickly took out her phone and dialed Samantha's number praying that she had not left her apartment yet.
MaryBeth rushed next door to her old bedroom in her parent's house. She and Emily, they use to wear the same clothes size before she got pregnant. She just hoped that there was something suitable left in her wardrobe to give to her sister for her to wear.
" Sam, are you still home? Great! We have an emergency.. your sister needs a make-over before the meeting.. she's wearing Jeans and a T-shirt .. I know, she is unbelievable! Bring black shoes, heels and fast! See you in a bit," MaryBeth said quickly.
" Let's hurry, you have like... one hour to get ready!", MaryBeth said looking at her watch.
" One hour!  I usually get dress in only fifteen minutes!", Emily crossed her arms across her chest and looked at her sister.
MaryBeth didn't reply as she looked through the clothes hanging in the wardrobe.
" There you go!", she said as she took out a coral blouse and a black pencil skirt.
Emily took one look at the outfit and nearly gagged, she hated skirts but the look on MaryBeth face made her quickly plastered a smile on her face.
"Let us get this ironed and meanwhile .. try and change that hairstyle, you are no longer a school girl Emily to tie your hair in a ponytail every single day", MaryBeth lectured her little sister and Emily almost called it quits and walked out.

" Emily hurry !", both sisters shouted together as they sat down on the edge of the bed in Emily's bedroom.Emily slowly walked out of the bathroom and her sisters looked at each other with open mouth.Their little sister looked totally different, her long dark brown hair hung loose cascading over her back, the clothes fitted her curves perfectly and the color was perfect for her tanned skin.Their father was of Hispanic origin and their mother was Caucasian. Emily and Samantha had their father's skin tone and MaryBeth their mother's. They all had dark brown hair just like their mother.
" You have curves!", Samantha exclaimed.
"Ok guys I'm going back to change ! I can't do this!", Emily said.
Her sisters stood up and hurried to her side and MaryBeth made her turn towards the mirror.
Emily stared at herself, she could barely recognize the woman standing there staring back at her.
" You look beautiful! Now hurry it's getting late!", MaryBeth said.
" Just let me tie my hair up", Emily said almost pleading as she tied her hair in a ponytail.
She put on the shoes Samantha lent her and grabbed her handbag hanging it on her elbow.
She followed her sisters down the stairs, she clung to the handrail as she made her way slowly down the stairs.
" Is that my little girl!", her father exclaimed as she walked through the sitting room to grab her coat on the coat hanger.
" Dad not you too!", she said as she put on her coat.
"  You look, beautiful darling. Good luck", her mother said. 
She blew her mother a kiss and opened the front door, stepping on the porch she took in a deep breath.
" Here goes", she whispered.

Emily checked the address again on the paper and then looked at the big gate on her left. She parked the car and got out. She walked up to the gate and press the button on the intercom next to the gate and a lady's voice came over.
" I'm Emily, I'm here to see Mr.Fabian Augustine", Emily said.
She heard a buzzing sound and then the gate opened revealing a beautiful house. The type of house that you see in movies, surrounded by a beautiful garden and since it was spring the flowers were dancing joyfully in the breeze and Emily stood there mesmerized by the beautiful scenery.She felt something wet on her leg making her come back to reality . She looked down to see a beautiful fluffy golden retriever sitting next to her nudging at her knee with his wet nose.
" Hello handsome!", she said as bent and slowly patted the dog's shiny golden fur. He was so clean and smelled really nice, as if he had taken just taken a bath.The dog barked at her and then licked her hand making her smile.
" He is usually not that friendly with strangers", Emily heard a man's voice behind her.
She turned to see Fabian coming towards her dressed up in gym clothes.
She stopped patting the dog and quickly wiped her hand on her skirt before she walked towards Fabian with a smile on her face. She greeted him as she shook his hand.
" Is he yours?", she asked looking back at the Golden retriever.
" No, he is my brother's", Fabian answered.
" Shall we go inside", he said and they walked quietly towards the house.
She followed him in the sitting room and he left her there as he excused himself to go freshen up.
Emily looked around the room, the furniture looked very expensive, the finest of woods. The room was bright and very spacious, and there was a beautiful fireplace in the middle of the room, but it didn't look like it was a place whereby anyone spent a lot of time, everything was spick and span.
So neat and tidy, unlike at home, Emily though.

" Would you like something to drink?", she heard him asked.
" Coffee please", she replied with a smile and they both had to laugh as they remembered yesterday's incident.
" Shall we go to my study. It's quieter and we can speak in private", Fabian suggested and she followed him.
She sipped her coffee listening to him as he explained to her what he had in mind for the engagement party and when he mentioned Italy she nearly dropped the coffee cup.
" Did you say Italy?", she said putting down the cup.
" Yes, I want the party to take place in Italy and three weeks from today ", Fabian replied looking at her with a serious face.

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