Chapter seven

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Emily slowly put down her iPad and turned to look at him.
" What do you mean you don't like the place?", Emily asked waiting for his reply in tense silence .
Lorenzo could feel the hint of anger in her voice.
" It's just I don't like it. Not the sort of place I will hold my engagement party", he replied calmly as he pushed his hands inside his pockets and looked at her.His answer was filled with annoyance , Emily bit her trembling bottom lip for her not to answer him but when she noticed the amused smirk on his face she couldn't keep the anger in anymore.
" Listen Mr. Lorenzo.. We were hired  by your brother not you.. if you don't like the place well that's your problem. You are not the one who is getting married.. Thanks God for that! Now if you don't mind I need to go back to speak to the person who hired us to do the job.. I don't have anything to answer  to you! Excuse me", Emily blurted and she stood up ,grabbed her things and walked away quickly before Lorenzo could say anything to her.Lorenzo smiled softly looking at her walking away,
" We will see about that!", he whispered.

Emily was scared that she might have gone a bit too far with the way she blurted out at Lorenzo. She was scared that he will go and tell Fabian that she lacked respect for him and his older brother will think the worst of her and canceled his contract with them.Do I apologize?!, she wondered as she sat down on the yacht waiting for him to come on board.

They sat down on the opposite of each other , not one word was exchanged between them. Emily glanced up at him  briefly , she wanted to apologize for her behavior but thought that it was better to do so once they've reached the hotel and before they meet up with Fabian.
Lorenzo noticed that she kept glancing in his direction as if she wanted to say something.
He was thinking about the hotel that Emily chose , it wasn't a bad idea but , he wanted to make her work a little bit more. Fabian had asked him to look over the venue with her to give him his honest opinion. He knew how important that party was for his brother and he wanted to make sure that his big brother's opening act to his forever after is one that will be unforgettable. Fabian had fallen head over heels for Elena and after five years together he wanted to tie the knot and start his family. He liked Elena , she seemed the perfect catch for Fabian and that had him wondering about himself, was Ginnie his forever after or out there , there was someone else for him ?With that thought he glanced over at Emily, her face was filled with desperation as she removed her phone for about the tenth time trying to make a call and he wondered who she was desperately trying to get in touch with.
Maybe a boyfriend she left back home, he said to himself.Emily noticed he was staring in her direction and she hurried and focused back on her phone. She had been trying to call her sisters for a while but there seemed to be a problem with the network connection.
" You will not get any network out here", she heard him say but she ignored him.
She tried calling again but to avail.
Maybe he is right, he knows this place better than me, she thought as she put the phone away in her bag.
Suddenly the yacht stopped and the skipper called Lorenzo over. She heard them speaking in Italian and she wondered what had happened but didn't dare asked anyone.
After nearly five minutes a young man came around telling her that they were sorting out a slight issue with the yacht and soon they will be on their way.
Just what was missing.. something happening to the yacht!, Emily thought .
She grabbed her phone, barefooted ,she walked around on the deck checking if she couldn't get network connection .
" Great !", she almost shouted when she heard the dialing  tone.
" Hello.. hello..", she said walking around on the deck but she could barely hear MaryBeth.
She felt a pair of hands grabbing her by the waist and she turned her head around to see Lorenzo standing behind her and then she looked down at his hands wrapped around her waist.
" Let go of me..What do you think you are doing?", she shouted and tried to remove his hands as her heart started to race.
Lorenzo smiled and released his grip on her and as soon as his fingers left her waist she felt herself falling , she fell in the sea grabbing her phone tightly in her hand.
Emily couldn't believe what had just happened as she surfaced gasping for air. She looked up and saw him standing there looking down at her with a smile on his face.
What a savage!, she thought as anger build up inside her.
She wanted to insult him but she saved her breath for her to swim to the other side of the yacht where she had seen the swim platform ladder . She tried to climb up but with the dress now wet and clinging to her body it was quite difficult. The young man from earlier came around to pull  her up.She tried to climb up the stairs and the young man had to help her again to reach the top. She looked at her phone , now didn't she only have no network , she didn't have a phone anymore!
Water dripping from her head to her toes, she shivered as the breeze touched her skin . The young man brought a towel for her and told her she could go in the cabin to dry herself up.
Lorenzo stood there looking at her with a smirk on his face and said,
" You told me to let go ., so that's what I did!".

Emily didn't answer, she grabbed her bag and hurried to the cabin . Once inside the cabin she quickly removed the wet clothes taking one look at MaryBeth's dress , walked to the wash bowl  and squeezed the water out from the dress.
She looked at her self in the mirror and removed the hair tie from her hair. She looked at her reflection,her long hair was soaked sticking to her face and body, the water dripping from it had made a small puddle on the floor. She grabbed the towel that the young man gave her and started to blot her hair to stop the water from dripping on the floor.She hurried back towards the bed to try and look for another towel to wrap around her when she bumped into someone and since the floor was wet she lost her balance as she clamped to that person's arms to stop herself from hitting the floor.

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