Chapter nine

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Emily made her way downstairs , she carried everything she will need for the meeting as if she was carrying her weapons to defend herself in a battle. She knew that Lorenzo will give her a hard time and she was ready to fight him till the end. She had sat up in her room ,working hard on her presentation. She had to do it all on her own since she didn't have a phone anymore to call her sisters and for some reasons she couldn't reach them through Skype.

Taking a deep breath , she walked over to where the two brothers were sitting at a table overlooking the harbor and it was indeed a beautiful sight to see at night.

Lorenzo saw her coming over Fabian's shoulder and he stared at her. She had put her long hair down and she was dressed in a simple yellow knee length dress. She was carrying what looked like a pile of papers and a laptop. As she glanced at them and their eyes met he quickly looked away from her.Emily reached their table and greeted them , only Fabian stood up to greet her and Lorenzo simply whispered good evening.

She couldn't be bothered with his attitude as she was getting use to it . Emily looked at Fabian as she took her seat in between the two brothers , she was wondering if Lorenzo had told him about the way she had behaved towards him earlier but he didn't seemed to be showing any signs that he was annoyed or upset.

" Would you like something to drink? A glass of wine?", Fabian proposed.

" No ,thank you Mr. Fabian", she answered opening her laptop. She wanted to start the meeting straight away and hoped to get Fabian's approval.

" I see Miss.Parks means business", Lorenzo  said looking at her over his glass.

Emily glanced briefly at him and then at Fabian as she started her presentation with a smile.

Lorenzo looked at her in silence as she showed Fabian the video presentation she made of the place they visited this morning and her ideas for the decorations . She was speaking like a professional , not like someone who was putting together an eternal love story, he couldn't feel the excitement in her voice. He looked at her facial expression, straight and serious . His gaze followed her every move. His eyes moved across  her face , her nose and landed on her lips. She wasn't wearing any make up and she surely didn't need any , he thought. Frowning he looked at the glass in his hand.What's wrong with me?! Why am I looking at her like that!? Why am I thinking like that?!, he said to himself , then he stood up and excused himself as he walked away towards the men's room.
Emily and Fabian looked at him as he walked away and he wondered what was wrong with his brother since he didn't say anything to them.

" Let's wait for him to come back ..", Fabian said pouring himself another glass of wine and then he poured one for her and she couldn't refuse ,she thanked him as she placed the glass in front of her. Not her favorite drink but she had no choice but to be polite, he raised his glass at her and she smiled as she took a sip.
The bitter taste of the liquid stayed on her tongue for a long time and she tried her best not to scrunch up her face . She put the glass down and looked around her , she hoped that he couldn't read her face that she was not enjoying the wine.
Emily was taken aback when he asked her something that she wasn't looking forward to answer.
" Do you like it?".
She knew nothing about wine so she didn't know what to answer, she looked at him and spoke the truth.
" To be honest, I'm not a fan of wines", she answered with a smile and he laughed softly.
" I could see on your face that you didn't enjoyed the first sip.Well ,the bitterness in Italian wine is a highly sought after characteristic", Fabian explained as he picked up his glass and swirl the liquid around before taking a sip.
Lorenzo joined them , as he sat down he spoke to his brother in Italian and Emily wondered what he had said . She hoped that her presentation wasn't that boring and that's why he walked away.
" So , Miss. Parks, what about the proposal part. Have you been able to come up with something magical", Fabian asked.
" I have an idea and I hope you will like it", she answered with a smile and she explained to him her superb idea for his big proposal.
Fabian and Lorenzo looked at each other and she bit softly on her bottom lip as she watched them.
Fabian then turned and smiled at her,
" I love your ideas and I have to say I like your whole presentation. Well done Miss. Parks , but there is one person that I have to admit I always turn to , to help me make a final decision , my little brother , what do you think Lorenzo?", Fabian asked Lorenzo and Emily's heart skipped a beat. She thought that because he liked her ideas that everything was agreed on but now she felt everything will fall apart , all the efforts she had put and the days were getting shorter , she couldn't see herself doing this over again.
" Well...", he said glancing at her then he looked at his brother .
" I have to agree with you Fabian. The party planner did a good job so , let's get this rolling!", he said lifting his glass to his brother and then turned to see a surprised Emily looking at them.
He wanted to smile when he saw that look on her face and he was sure that she had been thinking that he would have trashed her in front of his brother .
But he couldn't after he saw her presentation, she did a good job so he had to give her credit.
She glanced up at him and their gaze held for a while and then she looked back at Fabian.
" Mr. Fabian , thank you for giving us " Lily Picture Perfect", the opportunity to work with you. We will do everything to make this ... beautiful", she said trying to think of the right word to say.

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