Chapter twenty- two

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Emily made up an excuse and walked out of the store her heart wanted to pop out of her chest.
He is a liar ! Emily thought as she walked down the road , she was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize it had started to rain.
She stood there in the pouring rain and her tears came voluntarily. She was angry at herself , she allowed what should  have never happened to happen! Emily looked at her reflection in the mirrored glass window of the store she was standing in front of. She wiped away her tears and walked towards the car she came in. She asked the driver to take her back to the hotel, all she wanted was to finish off with want she really came here to do and get back her old life.

Lorenzo had tried calling Emily what looked like a hundred times. He tried going to her room but her sister said that she was extremely busy and will speak to him later during the day. Lorenzo couldn't understand what was going on , she didn't answer his texts nor calls.
What's going on with her? Why isn't she talking to me?! , Lorenzo wondered as he pour himself another drink and loosen his tie.
The party was tonight and his mood was totally up side down, but he had to pull himself together, after all it was his brother's big day. Fabian walked in the room and greeted his brother .
" Are you ok?", Lorenzo asked him as Fabian poured a drink for himself. His brother down the drink in one gulp , grimacing as the liquor touched his palate. He poured another one and walked by the window and looked outside.
" I think I am.Just a bit scared .. what if she says No?!", Fabian said running a hand through his hair.
" Stop thinking about those things Fabian. Everything will turn out fine.. now let's go to your future wife", Lorenzo said with a smile and the two brothers hugged each other.

Emily sat in the car with Elena. The plan was that she will arrive with Elena. Elena looked anxious as she fumbled with her hands.
" Are you ok?", Emily asked and Elena smiled.
" I am just a bit excited!", Elena answered.
She was blindfolded so she must feel a bit anxious not knowing where she was. Emily squeezed her hand softly telling her to relax.

As they approached the hotel Emily's heart started to race. The place looked more spectacular at night.
Setting up the place was not an easy job, there were many hiccups but thankfully the team she was working with were very professional. She could see the fairy lights which were hanging in the entrance and she saw some of the garden torches which were put along the red carpet for Elena's grand entrance.
She looked at the brunette, her dress was perfect for the occasion and she felt tears tickling her eyes.

The car stopped and Elena reached out and Emily held her hand.

" Don't worry I am still here", Emily said and they both laughed.

" Gosh my heart is racing Emily", Elena said and Emily laughed softly, and you are not even inside yet!, Emily thought.

" Ready.. lets go", Emily said and opened the car door.

She helped Elena out and they took a few steps together.Emily took the time to admire the beautiful venue , just the way she had imagined it, like in a fairytale. The place was dark , none of the guests could be seen even if they were there, they were all quiet. Emily removed the blindfold from Elena's eyes. The brunette was gobsmacked as she looked at the decorations and she started to ask questions.
Emily  told her that they have to walk through a wedding to get to her birthday party, that's the reasons for the romantic decorations.

As they were half way on the red carpet , they could hear the song " Perfect" by Ed Sheeran playing and Emily told Elena that she forgot something in the car and all she had to do was to follow the red carpet.
The song was her cue to leave Elena and Emily quickly walked away and hid behind the drapes and looked at her .
Elena felt uncomfortable being by herself there, Emily told her she had to walk through a wedding to get to her birthday party.

" I can't understand, why Fabian will book the venue where there is a wedding on the same day?!", Elena said softly and she was surprised when she saw a board with her name written on there in gold letters . There was something else written on there ,

" you are my best friend, my soulmate. You inspire me to be the best I can be, been there through thick and thin ...."

She kept walking and saw another board "our journey will not be perfect but I promise I will stick with you till the end" by then tears were rolling down her cheeks and she was trying not to spoil her make up. She was totally confused and she nearly passed out when she turned to see Fabian on one knee behind her and he opened a small red box .

" Elena will you marry me?", he said and Elena couldn't held her tears back any longer ,she covered her mouth with one hand and shook her head indicating yes and then she shouted yes! And a loud cheer echoed and she was more surprised to see that all those she loved were there. Fabian stood up kissed her and then slipped the tiny diamond ring on her finger.

" Happy Birthday my future wife", Fabian whispered close to her ear and Elena hugged him tightly.
She looked at the tiny ring on her finger , it fitted her finger perfectly and Elena loved it !

Her mother was crying , she came over and hugged her and the other guests followed.

Emily had joined Samantha and they both had teary eyes.

" Well done Emily.. the proposal was perfect!", Samantha said hugging her sister .

Emily saw Lorenzo staring at her and Ginnie was next to him and she remembered her words. She told Samantha that she was leaving and her sister looked at her.
" Leaving.. the party had just started!", Samantha said , she was surprised with her sister and she had been wondering what was going on between her and Lorenzo. One way or another her little sister will have to tell her what's going on between them, tonight!

She said Yes!Where stories live. Discover now