Chapter fifteen

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" Emily Parks!", Todd said with a broad smile and Emily forced herself to smile back at the man who took her virginity and then dumped her.
" Emily Parks, so it is you! You are looking great... Fancy running into you here .. should I say congratulations then?", Todd asked the smile not leaving his lips.
Emily wanted to shout at him to mind his own business and walk away but there were a few people in the boutique so she had to act civilized.
She opened her mouth to answer when she felt a pair of arms circling around her waist and pulled her backward. She glanced down at the pair of hands around her waist and then at their owner. Her gaze met his and he smiled at her , Emily wanted to push him away because she couldn't understand why he was doing that.
" Relax", he whispered against her ear and his breath on her neck made her shivered.
" So he must be the lucky guy", she heard Todd said and extended his hand towards Lorenzo. He took it and shook it, the two men stared at each other .
" You've got a good girl there mate", Todd told Lorenzo , Emily could see that Todd was suddenly uneasy .
Lorenzo moved her hair and kissed her on the nape of her neck softly and then answered, " Yes, I know" as he moved to Emily's side.
Emily was just standing there like a statue, breathing slowly so that she didn't explode and shout at both men. She was relieved when Todd said he was leaving and as soon as he was out of the door , she grabbed her purse and hurried towards the exit.
" Emily", Lorenzo called her name but she hurried out without looking back at him.
Emily hurried towards her car but Lorenzo caught up with her.
" At least you could say thank you", he shouted from  behind her.
Emily stopped walking and turned to look at him.
" Thank you for what? I didn't ask you for any help.. I didn't need any", Emily snapped at him as anger rushed through her.
" Yeah Right! You turned pale as if you had seen a ghost.. who was he? An old boyfriend?", Lorenzo asked and she saw his lips curved into a smile.
" I'm sorry to say this, but can you please mind your own business", Emily replied folding her arms on her chest.
" Why did you come here?.. I'm supposed to be meeting up with Mr. Fabian", she asked changing the subject.
" He sent me , he had other things to take care of. Did you find his ring?", Lorenzo asked walking towards her and she felt uncomfortable as she remembered his arms around her waist , her back against his chest and the moment his lips touched the nape of her neck, suddenly she felt weak at the knees.
She looked away from him trying to erase the picture from her mind so that she could regained control over herself.
" Regarding the ring.. well I need to speak to your brother . He will have to choose the ring himself after all it's his forever after story", Emily said as she remembered Mr. Sebastián's words, she will have to share those wise words with Fabian.
" Come with me", Lorenzo said .
Emily frowned and looked at him.
" What? I'm going back to the office, I need to speak to your brother and there is no way I'm going anywhere ...", Emily was saying when he grabbed her hand and walked towards his car.
Emily didn't understand what was happening, why was Lorenzo holding her hand and where was he taking her?
" Mr. Lorenzo .. I", she started to say when they reached his car, he opened the door and asked her to get in.
" But..", she added.
" There is no but. Just come with me", he calmly said, she obeyed and got in his car.
Lorenzo got in the driver's seat and before he started the engine he looked at her and smiled.

Emily didn't feel comfortable to be there with him in his car.Her heart was pounding like a blacksmith hammer in her chest and she clasped her hands to steadied herself. She looked outside and realized they were driving towards the countryside and she wondered why he was taking her out there.They drove through a small lane and Emily didn't like the look of the deserted place.

Please don't let him do anything to me?, she prayed silently.

Lorenzo stopped the car and got out , he came around to her side and opened the door. He took her hand and helped her out and the view of the place took her breath away. They were next to a lake , the place was serene except for the sounds of birds chirping and the  ducks quacking. She walked away from the car towards the beautiful teardrop - silver lake where several ducks were swimming.

She had never seen such a beautiful place like this before , she closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh air as happiness filled her soul. This engagement party had been taking her on so many adventures , learning so many new things and even running into Todd Davis of all people. With that thought she opened her eyes as anger crossed her face. She didn't want to remember him or what he had done to her , not now at this peaceful moment, the scenery around her was so glorious that she didn't want to waste any seconds being upset about the past , she wanted to take time to indulge ,smell and relax in the gentleness of the breeze caressing her skin in this magical place.

" You want to talk about it now", she heard Lorenzo asked .

She turned and looked at him leaning against a magnolia tree. The flowers falling from the tree made it looked like something you will see in a movie or a photo.

" Talk about what?", she asked walking towards him , bending to pick up some purple magnolia flowers from the grass.

" Who that man was? Cause everyone could see the very sight of him upsets you", he replied and Emily wondered if it was true .

Was it that obvious?,she wondered.

She didn't know Lorenzo that well, he was actually the brother of a client and she was not supposed to be here with him discussing her life!

" So?", he asked again and Emily looked at him.

" He is someone from my past .. someone who has no importance in my life and I really don't want to talk about him", she replied with sincerity.

Lorenzo walked towards her and she took one step backwards and he stopped.

" Then he is the person who must have made you like this", he said.

" Like what?!", Emily questioned.

" A woman afraid of men !", he answered and his straightforward answer nearly knocked her off her feet.

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