Chapter five

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Emily sat up in her room , it was nearly midnight and her bed was covered with wedding magazines, with her laptop on her lap she was reading about the most luxurious places in Venice for an engagement party , after all Fabian was paying for luxury and that's what they had to deliver.
Her sisters had spent the whole afternoon instructing her about the dos and don'ts. She  had read so many papers and books that she had ended up falling asleep on the sofa in MaryBeth's office. Her sisters had fueled her up with coffee.
Her mother always said that a party planner's job is a frustrating and stressful one . Between handling last minute changes, frustrated clients and last minute cancellations, the profession is surely not for the faint-of -heart!
Emily understood now why her mother walked in sometimes looking super exhausted and barely had time for anyone .

She sat up in bed with a smile on her face when she found what she was searching for , she had found the perfect venue and she hoped that Fabian would like it too.
" Perfect ... this will have to be the place!", she smiled and noted it down.
" Now please help me with the proposal...I really need your help", she said looking up and clasping her hands together.
She lied back on the bed and soon she dozed off.

" Sorry , I'm late", Emily said as she hurried towards Fabian at the airport.
She felt embarrassed since everyone was there and she ,who was the party planner , she was late. She had over slept, luckily her mother woke her up since she had forgotten to set her alarm.Emily didn't have time to dress up like yesterday  as she hurried to get dressed in her usual jeans,  T-shirt and sneakers . She had gotten an earful from MaryBeth and she felt a headache was on its way.

She noticed that Fabian's brother had an annoyed look on his face as he whispered to his girlfriend and she smiled as she glanced at her from head to toe and then whispered back to Lorenzo.
" No worries. Now that you are here we can go", Fabian said with a smile . A man came and led them to a private plane.Emily dreaded the thought of flying , another  reason the thought of going to Italy was tormenting her. She sat in a seat behind the brothers and their girlfriends and she felt out of place .
They offered her a glass of Champagne but she smiled and kindly refused . With the headache and her heart racing she didn't think a glass of bubbly was what she needed at that time. She opened her book and started to read to stopped herself from looking at the blonde who was all over Lorenzo without minding that there were others around.

Lorenzo looked at Emily sleeping , he looked at the book in her hands and read the title;
" How do you think animals feels"
A party planner reading books about animals, he thought and shook his head and brought his attention back to his girlfriend. She had snuggled up on him and was sleeping. He pushed her blonde hair aside and kissed the nape of her neck and when he looked up Emily was looking at him. She quickly looked away as their eyes met.
The plane lightly jerked as it went through a turbulence and he saw the look of fear crossed her face as she held on tightly to her seat. She breathed in and out and closed her eyes her mouth moving as if she was speaking to herself.
Lorenzo smiled as he looked at her , he touched Fabian and asked him to look at Emily .
" Emily , are you ok?", Fabian asked and she opened her eyes and looked at him forcing a smile.
Her cheeks were getting red with embarrassment as she forced herself to say yes and then looked out of the window.
Great.. please don't let this happen again!, she thought her face was flushed with embarrassment.

Two hours  later they landed in Italy, Venice.
A black limousine came for them and they were driven to the house  which  once belonged to their parents and had been sold to one of their  uncles. He had turned the once five bedroom house into a small hotel and had built another villa where families came to stay when they will come for vacation. Situated close to the sea it had a spectacular view of the sunset.
Emily looked out of the car window, though she couldn't make it obvious that it was her first time in Venice ,she couldn't help but admire the beautiful scenery outside. She was so mesmerized by the scenery that she almost didn't hear the man asking her to come out of the car as he stood there holding the door for her . She looked at the others who were waiting for her as she slowly exited the car. She was seating in front with the driver whilst the couples rode at the back of the limousine.
Lorenzo shook his head and smiled as they walked towards the house .
She's indeed a weird one, he thought .

Emily was glad that she was finally alone. She had her dinner by herself and barely touched it as her stomach was still a bit queasy. She took the time of being alone to call her sisters who were fighting to ask her loads of questions.
" Guys , this is not a vacation. I've come here to deliver part of the job and that's what I will do. I'll let you know how everything goes tomorrow. Please do pray for me", she said before hanging up.
She walked into her bedroom and opened her suitcase . She took out the dress that MaryBeth lent her , hung it in the wardrobe and her heels placing them in front of the wardrobe.  She had scheduled the viewing of the venue for 10 in the morning and hoped that everything will go well without a hitch. It was her first experience being a party planner assistant and hoped that it will be her last. She had to put all her effort in that engagement party so that she could go back to her own world.

At 7 in the morning, Emily made her way to the breakfast room and met Lorenzo who was dressed up in chino shorts and T-shirt compared to her . She felt so over dressed in her forest green bodycon dress and heels. He turned and took one look at her and turned back to his plate. Though she couldn't see through his black sunglasses she was sure that he was still looking at her as he had a look of amusement on his face.
Emily walked past him and said good morning but he didn't reply.
He is so rude .. compared to his brother!,Emily thought as she asked the waiter to serve her some coffee and toast with jam.She was craving for a good breakfast since  she barely touched her dinner last nite and now after seeing Lorenzo's face she had lost her appetite.

She saw Fabian and Elena walking towards her and she stood up to greet them.
" Good morning Emily. Hope you slept well. Lorenzo you know what you have to do today so I'll see you later", Fabian said and he turned to walk away and Emily quickly stood up leaving her coffee and grabbed her bag.
" Sit down , you are coming with me", she heard Lorenzo said and she turned and looked at him in surprise but he didn't say anything else nor looked at her.
Emily sat down and grabbed her coffee cup and eyed him with a frown on her face as he read the newspaper.
What's going on here?!, she wondered.

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