Chapter thirteen

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As Elena left , Fabian walked to the door and opened it checking if she was really out of view.
He walked back to his desk and took out a brochure  of the finest engagement ring from their stores.
He handed Emily the brochure and asked her to open it.
" The main reason I asked you to come here today . I need a ring! I can't make up my mind and I need you to help me choose the perfect one", Fabian said.
Emily looked at all the rings on the first page of the brochure and all she saw were rings. They meant nothing special for her , so she didn't know how to choose the perfect ring or what  the perfect engagement ring meant.
As if the proposal was not enough , now I have to choose the ring! It's just a jewelry accessory!, she thought as she turned the pages.
" It's hard to choose right..I have a better idea .. Maybe if you see them for yourself then you will be able to make a better decision ,right?", Fabian asked and Emily looked at him and she didn't even know what to reply.
" Yes. I suppose you are right ..", she answered trying her best to put a smile on her face.
" That's great then .. meet me tomorrow at this address . This is one of our main branch and you will help me choose the perfect engagement ring for Elena! So far you haven't disappointed me so I'm sure you will pick the finest one !", he said happily and Emily could only smile at him as she took the business card from him.
"At what time do we meet tomorrow?", she asked  .
" Lets say around 9 o'clock and please don't forget the dinner tonight", Fabian reminded her as she stood up . She bid Fabian goodbye and then she grabbed the brochure and walked out of his office .
She hurried out to her car praying that she doesn't   run into Lorenzo again. After what he had said she didn't want to hear another word from him.
" Proposal, now the ring... this is way too much for me!", she whispered as she started the engine.

" Sam , I'm not going back there tonight by myself!", Emily exclaimed pacing her sister's office.
Samantha had told her that she had plans that she couldn't cancel so it will be impossible for her to go to the Augustines with her.
" Emily , I am meeting a client . I cannot just cancel the appointment, remember we need more clients", Samantha said looking through the brochure.
" Oh my! I've found my ring!", she exclaimed lifting the brochure and showing her a white gold ring with a pink diamond in the shape of a heart.
" Samantha can you please focus on what I'm telling you...the dinner tonight?", Emily asked her sister once more ,  she was annoyed that Samantha was not paying any attention to her.
" Which one would you choose?", Samantha asked her eyes still glued to the pages of the brochure.
" Sam!", Emily growled.
Samantha looked at her, " Emily , I already said I can't go! No need to get upset.., now which one will you choose?", she asked looking back at the brochure.
Emily was completely upset, she grabbed the brochure and walked out of Samantha's office.
No way I will go back there by myself. I'll do the invite and drop them at Fabian's house and come up with an excuse! Any excuse!, she thought as she sat down at the desk.
Her eyes fell on the brochure on the table and she picked it up.
" Which one will you choose?", Samantha's question echoed in her head.
She slowly turned the pages and her stomach twisted into a knot and tears filled her eyes.
It took one bad experience to change everything in her life. It made her sick to her stomach whenever she thought of how Todd had tricked her , how they had laughed behind her back and made a fool of her over a stupid bet.
She wasn't a popular girl at school , she was quiet, the ones that goes unnoticed and when the captain of the school basketball team approached her and told her he had a crush on her , she was completely taken aback. Todd had find ways and means to make her fall completely head over heels for him. She even slept with him and it was after losing her virginity to him , that was when she found out that she was just a bet! The bet was Todd Davis could take the virginity of any girl he wanted on campus and she happened to be the victim he went after. Emily wanted to kill herself for being so stupid! She had walked around school watching the other students whispering  , staring  at her and laughing. Since then ,Emily swore that she will never ever fall in love again! She could still see Todd's smiling face when she had asked him how he dared do that to her, that she trusted him. Emily closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.
" How do I forget?", she whispered softly.
She took the brochure and looked at those  rings , she realized she will never be a bride , she will never have one of those beautiful rings on her finger because she didn't believe in romance, in fairytales and happily ever after and most of all she doesn't trust words at all ,such as I love you.
" They are a bunch of liars .. that's all!", she said as she opened her laptop.
" Enough wasting time thinking about things of no importance Emily ! Get back to work", she said as she busied herself to stop thinking.
If you have ever been in love , then you will know the feelings of being crazy about someone and then you find out that you have been betrayed. It doesn't happen to everyone but a lot of us go through this situation and we always wondered, how do we love again? How do we trust again? How do we tell our heart it's ok to open up to the idea of falling in love?

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