Chapter nineteen

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He held her tightly , never imagining anything could feel so right despite the rain and cold, his whole body was warming up against hers. Her lips tasted of the sweet taste of the Champagne , he felt her body shivered and he quickly stopped.

What did I do?!, Lorenzo thought stepping back from her. She didn't move as she stood there looking at him , her eyes filled with tears and as she blinked some escaped her eyes rolling down her face.
Emily didn't know how to react , she was in shock as it was too sudden for her. Lorenzo's lips on hers ,though it was hard for her to admit .. she had enjoyed the warmth of his embrace and the kiss.. it was breathtaking.

Maybe that's why she was standing there speechless, Emily why are you still standing here like a statue.. and the tears.. what is that for!? React.. say something something!! .. , she said to herself.

" Emily.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take any advantage..", Lorenzo started to say , he didn't finish his sentence as Emily's arms were around his neck and this time she responded passionately returning his stolen kiss.

Lorenzo hugged her tightly as their lips melted together. Emily's favorite story as a child was Sleeping Beauty. How a true loves kiss woke the princess from a wicked spell which had been casted on her and at that precise moment it was as if she was in her own fairytale. Emily felt a tingle of magic in the air and she felt as if she was waking up from a nightmare which had captivated her soul not letting her get close to such warmth.

As they broke away from each other , Lorenzo hugged her as they stood there panting. She leaned  her head against his chest  and she could hear his heart beating fast ,hers was running a marathon in her chest. Lorenzo gently touched her on her back and something fluttered inside her making her weak in the knees.

Emily looked up at him and their eyes met, she didn't know want to say or if she should say something. She stepped back from him and wrapped her arms around herself as the cold breeze made her shivered . Lorenzo walked towards her and gently pulled her close to him. He gently kissed her forehead and brushed his lips softly over hers. Emily smiled as she looked up at him. Though they didn't say a word to each other they had poured out everything through the kiss they shared.

" Let's get you out of that dress ", Lorenzo said and Emily quickly stepped backwards looking  at him with a serious face.

Did he just say .. " get you out of that dress", what does he think he is doing!?, Emily thought and she quickly turned and walked away . It had stopped raining but it was really cold , the drenched dress was making her uncomfortable and her heels felt as if it was filled with water, she removed them and looked around her , she had no clue where she was or where to go.

" Oh .. she thinks I meant .. no..Emily", Lorenzo said as he ran a hand through his hair, he grabbed his jacket and quickly followed Emily.

" Emily.. Emily", Lorenzo shouted her name but she didn't turn to look at him.

Lorenzo ran up to her and grabbed her arm turning her around.

" I didn't mean it.. the way it sounded to you. I meant you need to remove those clothes . It's soaked and you might get sick", he said and Emily looked at him.

She could see he was sincere and she felt so stupid to think that he wanted to get her in his bed, but she didn't want to let him see that. She slowly removed his hand on her arm and walked away.
Lorenzo looked at her and then she turned and said,

" Are you coming?".

Lorenzo smiled and gently shook his head as he told her the car was parked on the other side .

They pulled up outside a tall building and Emily wondered where they were. Lorenzo got out of the car and gave his keys to a young man wearing a valet uniform. He came around and opened the door , she didn't ask any questions as he took her hand and they walked inside the building towards the elevator.

".. where are we? And why are we here?", Emily whispered softly as they entered the elevator.

" This is my apartment, we will dry your clothes and I'll drop you home. I promise I'm not going to do anything to you.. unless you want me too!", Lorenzo said finishing his sentence with a whisper next to her ear.
She was about to say something to him but the elevator door opened and an older couple walked in.

" Mr and Mrs. Peterson , good evening", Lorenzo greeted the old couple.

" Hey there .. why are you both soaked like that?!", Mrs. Peterson asked looking at their clothes.

" We were dancing in the rain", he replied and the old couple laughed.

" What a glorious feeling right? Perfect for this wet night!", Mr. Peterson replied and he started whistling to the tune of Gene Kelly.

Emily smiled as the old lady looked at her from head to toe and nodded as if she was giving her approval.The door buzzed and Lorenzo grabbed her hand as they waited for the door to open .

" Good night then , Lorenzo keep her warm.. it's going to be a long night ", Mr. Perterson said with a wink as the door closed.

"What?! He thinks that we.. and you didn't say anything!?", Emily said crossing her arms on her chest.

" Well what did he say that you didn't like.. or is this about what  I had said earlier? ", Lorenzo said with a smile as he opened the door to his apartment.

As she stepped in behind him , she heard a dog barking and she saw the dog coming straight at her as he jumped on her.

" Charlie!", Emily said hugging the dog.

" Your dad left you all alone Charlie!", Emily said to the dog.

" I have someone who takes care of my apartment and him, she leaves at 7 . Charlie is a big boy right?!", he said hugging his dog and Charlie barked looking at him as if  he understood what he had said.

" There is a guest room on your left down this corridor. You can have a bath..", he said clearing his throat and continued " I'll dry your clothes for you.. I'll leave something of mine on the bed so you can borrow until your dress is dried".

Emily looked around the room , it was so much more cozy than their family home, more simple and comfortable. She thanked him as she walked down the corridor. Emily was lost in thoughts, What will my sisters say, when they find out that I was in a house alone with a man.. not any man but Lorenzo Augustine!

She said Yes!Where stories live. Discover now