Chapter eleven

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" Mr. Lorenzo, I was not expecting you today", Emily said since they just came back from Italy in the morning.
" I was in the area, so I thought I should pass by and see your office", he replied  looking around.
I bet you came by to see if I work in a dumpster! Now you have seen it you can leave!", Emily thought and wished she could actually say it out loud.
" Nice place you have here. And sorry I forgot to ask , you are ?", he asked looking at Samantha .
" I am Samantha.. Emily's sister ", Samantha quickly answered shaking his hand.
Lorenzo walked around the reception looking at the pictures on the wall. He found it weird that Emily was not in any of those photos. He put his hands in his pockets , he turned around and looked at her.
" How come you are not in any of those pictures?", he asked.
" That's because she was...", Samantha started to say but  Emily interrupted her.
" I don't like cameras.. that's it", she said glancing at Samantha who looked at her with her mouth half opened as if she wanted to say something but Emily gave her a look telling her to be quiet.
" Why? .. I mean .. you don't look that bad..", Lorenzo said looking at her from head to toe.
Emily was annoyed by his comment but she didn't answer, instead she changed the topic.
" I was about to call Mr. Fabian, I have already printed out a copy of the invite. May you please give it to him?", she said walking away towards the office.
Lorenzo smiled , he knew that his words had made her upset and he loved the way she will cover up her anger and act as if she couldn't be bothered.
Emily came back and handed him an envelope,
" It's the invite card. I will get in touch with your brother later . Now if you don't mind I have other things to attend to", she said and walked away.
Emily froze when she heard him said " Should we have dinner tonight?... I mean since we have to work together and all.. we should get to know each other".
Emily took in a deep breath and then turned around to look at him.
" Thank you for the invite Mr. Lorenzo but unfortunately I have plans tonight", she said then turned , walked inside the office and closed the door behind her.
Lorenzo smiled softly , then he looked at Samantha and bid her goodbye as he walked out of the office.
Samantha hurried inside Emily's office , she wasn't happy with her little sister's behavior towards Lorenzo.
" What plans could you possibly have? Sitting upstairs in your bedroom watching documentaries?!", Samantha said annoyingly.
Emily didn't look at her as she leaned against the table, she closed her eyes and hoped her sister will leave her alone.
" Sam please.. I don't want to have a discussion with you about Lore.. Mr. Lorenzo!", she calmly answered .
" We don't treat our clients as such Emily. You could have kindly declined his offer instead of being rude!", Samantha scolded her.
Emily turned and looked at her sister , anger bubbled inside her .
" Sam if you want you can go eat dinner with Lorenzo! Just leave me in peace! In the first place I never wanted to be here .. I had to give up my dream to help you and MaryBeth!", she said raising her voice a bit.
" So that's it ,.. but what about Mum , Emily.. aren't you doing this for her as well? Do not forget her dreams helped to build yours !", Samantha snapped back.
Emily remained quiet, she didn't want to have a fight with her sister, specially because of that Lorenzo! She and Samantha barely argued and when Sam did raise her voice at her , it was because she was really upset about something!
" Emily, you can't let your past destroy your future ! You have to let go and learn to live a little.. stop being afraid of men!", Samantha said and then walked out.
" I'm not afraid of men! I just don't want to be involved with any of them!", she whispered.
She shook her head and sighed as she sat down.
" No I'm not being ridiculous! Thanks to you Todd that I'm like this today!", she said angrily slamming a hand on the table.
After a few minutes of deep reflection, Emily wondered , What if Sam was right!? It was not like he was asking me out on a date.. I should talk to him.. apologize.. no I wouldn't..", Emily thought as she stood up, she walked out of the office and into the mall . She had to make peace with her sister and she knew just want to buy which will soften Samantha's heart in seconds!

Samantha heard a soft knock on her door , the door opened and through a small gap a hand was showing her a blue box of Thorntons Chocolate. She couldn't help but smiled , she knew it was Emily's way of making peace and she couldn't help but tell her little sister to come in.
Emily sat down on the chair in front of the desk placing the chocolate box on Samantha's desk.
" Now can you please tell me .. who was that hunk?!", Samantha said taking one of the chocolate out of the box , putting it in her mouth and letting it melt on her tongue.
" He is Fabian's little brother . The one I told  you about earlier .. the one who almost drowned me.. !", Emily explained taking one of the chocolate from the box.
" Oh!! He is that "idiot who nearly killed me"", Samantha said mimicking her voice.
" It's not funny Sam!", she exclaimed but she couldn't help but smile.
" Well .. he can kill me any day ! As long as I would  die in his arms!", Samantha said dramatically.
Emily couldn't help but laughed , Samantha was always full of drama.
" I better get back to work now.. I've made peace with the enemy... and  Sam , I'm sorry for what I have said earlier.. maybe you are right , I should live a little!", she smiled at her sister before she walked out of her office.
" I should call him and accept his invitation.. now where is the card Fabian gave me this morning..", Emily said to herself as she hurried to MaryBeth's office. She took out everything from her purse and found Lorenzo's business card.
Her hands started to shake and she steadied herself, she took in a deep breath and dialed the number.. she could hear the ringback tone, her heart started to beat faster and when he answered she almost panicked and hung up.
At first she couldn't speak because the words didn't want to leave her lips and then she gathered all her strength and said " Hello Mr. Lorenzo it's me... Miss. Emily Parks.. I am just calling to say that I was able to cancel my plans and was checking ...", but she couldn't finish her sentence as he cut her off short.
" I'm sorry Miss. Parks I have already made other plans with Ginnie" he coldly said and then without any other words he hung up  .
Emily stood there in shock , her knees shaking , she sat down and slowly placed the phone on the table.
She felt  humiliated,  the way he had cut her off so easily and  told her though not using the exact words , to shove off !

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