Chapter twelve

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We encounter many situations in our life that we may call life lessons . Some  memories from those lessons makes you happy ,but sadly there are some which  always leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. ESpecially that one  time  when you allowed that one special person to steal your heart  and in return he broke  it into thousand pieces. Now the question is , how do you pick up the broken pieces and make it whole again? Once the heart has been injured no words or actions can cure the wound.

Emily sat down on the edge of her bed, looking at her feet lost in  thoughts.  She could barely get a wink of sleep last night as she tossed and turned being mad at herself for calling Lorenzo back.
She felt so embarrassed and didn't know how she would face him today since Fabian had texted her to meet up with him at his house .
She dragged herself out of bed and walked to her bathroom , all she was praying for was that Lorenzo will not be at the house when she will go for her meeting with Fabian.

As she stepped inside the gate Emily couldn't help but stand there and admired the beautiful garden once more . She wondered why Fabian didn't do his engagement party at his residence, why go all the way to Italy?
She walked towards the house and then she noticed the Golden Retriever who was walking with a limp. She hurried towards the poor animal who looked like  he was in a lot of pain.
The dog was happy to see her as he waged his tail from side to side and barked.
" What's wrong boy?", she asked slowly kneeling down next to him as she gently stroked his beautiful brown fur.
She noticed he couldn't put his front right paw down. She gently stroke his leg as if asking  for his permission and when he didn't growled,she looked at his paw and noticed that a splinter had become embedded in the pads of his paw.
" That's what's wrong then .. Don't worry boy .. I came at the right time", she whispered close to the dog's ear.
She will have to go and ask someone to lend her a tweezer and some other things she will need to take the splinter out .
As she stood up and turned to walk towards the house she came face to face with the one person she didn't want to see, Lorenzo Augustine!
They stood there for a few seconds looking at each other .
" What were you doing with my dog?", he asked breaking the silence.
" I saw him limping . I checked his paw and noticed he's got a splinter and it's quite deep. He needs treatment straight away to avoid more pain and ...", then she realized she was speaking like a vet not a party planner and she stopped.
Lorenzo stood there looking at her with a frown and then he quickly walked towards his dog . He confirmed what she had said and he looked back at her .
The way she spoke as if she knows so much about animals, Lorenzo thought and he had found that a bit strange.
She never ceases to amaze me!,he thought.
" I'll call the vet..", he started to say and then he looked at her and said .
" Seems like you know a lot about animals", and then he walked away.
" I can't let you suffer boy", she said looking at the dog and then she walked fast behind Lorenzo.
" Mr. Lorenzo... let me help him", she said as she caught up with him.
Lorenzo stopped walking and she nearly bumped into him .
" You!?", he asked looking at her .
" Yes, I've done this before .", she replied.
Lorenzo looked at Emily and then at Charlie , the poor dog looked like he was in so much pain.
" Well I suppose I can't let Charlie suffer. The vet might take ages to get here ", he replied running a hand through his hair.
Emily smiled she could have hugged him but instead she thanked him for trusting her with his dog and told him what she needed.
Emily gently took Charlie's paw and examined the splinter .Lorenzo had put him up on a table and was holding on to him to stop him from moving.
She took the tweezer and before she did anything else she bend down and whispered something to Charlie . Lorenzo looked at her , his gaze roved over her face.
She has gentleness and calmness in her features and expressions!,he thought as he looked at her.
" And it's done", he heard her said and he stepped out of the daze he was in.
She looked at him smiling , some of her hair had fallen over her eyes and he was tempted to brush it behind her ears.
"We are done boy, take him to the vet for proper bandages tomorrow and some antibiotics", Emily said and patted Charlie, the dog licked her hands and barked at her as if he was saying thank you .
" Gosh .. I better go to Mr. Fabian", she said removing the gloves.
" Why can't you be gentle and kind to people like you were with Charlie?", Lorenzo asked and his question took her off guard. She wasn't expecting him to say something like this! He really hurt her and she held her breath for her not to cry and quickly walked away.
" Emily..!", Lorenzo called her name but she didn't turn around as she walked quickly towards the house.

" I'm so stupid! I shouldn't have said that!", Lorenzo softly said after he realized that he had hurt her feelings and Charlie seemed to agree with him as he barked loudly looking at him.
I know boy.. I have to apologize. Today the party planner became a vet! Is there something that we don't know about her?, Lorenzo thought as he stood up and walked towards the house.

Fabian sat down in his office and was wondering where his party planner was since the maid had announced her presence. He heard a soft knock on his office door and then she walked in.
" Miss. Parks.. Great come in , take a seat", he said showing her the chair in front of his desk.
" Can we do all the invite by today. She wants to send it out tomorrow", Fabian said .
" Of course Mr. Fabian. I will do everything as soon as I get back to the office and by late afternoon I will personally deliver the invitations", Emily replied with a smile. She was happy that he liked her design for the invite.
" Have you double checked the invitees?", she asked and he affirmed that all the invitees were the ones on the list sent to her.
" Well why don't you come by tonight. We are having a dinner . Just a small gathering . Our parents will be here and your sisters can come as well", Fabian suggested.
Dinner here?! Tonight? I have to find an excuse ..., Emily said to herself .
" That's an excellent idea Fabian!", she heard Elena said and she stood up as the beautiful brunette walked towards them.
" You can't say no!", Elena said as she walked over to Fabian's chair .
She looked at them staring at her waiting for an answer and she didn't have a way out . She smiled as she said " Yes , I would love to".

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