Chapter four

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" Yes, most precisely in Venice. I told you I love my soon to be fiancée so much and I want only the best for her", Fabian said.
Emily spotted a picture on his desk of a beautiful brunette with blue eyes resembling one of those models you will see on the cover of a beauty magazine.
He noticed that she was looking at the picture and picked it up.
Emily felt embarrassed that he spotted her staring at the photo.
" That's her , Elena. You will meet her soon. That's why I wanted to speak to you before she gets here", he said getting up from his desk putting the picture back down.
" It will be her birthday soon , precisely in three weeks' time and I will like for the engagement party to be on the same day as her birthday. So she thinks that you are here to organize her birthday party , but one more thing... I need help with. I haven't proposed yet so I need you to help me to make the proposal one she will never forget".
Emily looked at him , stunned by everything he had just said.
He wants me to help him to propose?! I have no record of even asking a guy out for a drink... now a marriage proposal. How the heck will I do that?! What do I say?!, she said to herself . She blinked and looked at him trying to fake a smile as if she can handle this.
" So Mr. Augustine..", she started to say and cleared her throat as the words nearly came out like a squeak.
" No worries . I am sure we will do everything to make this the most beautiful engagement party ever! As for the proposal ideas .. leave that to me. I will surely get back to you with some of the best ideas", she said noting down on the empty page of her notebook;
" To do ASAP;google engagement ideas and buy wedding magazines!!", she closed her notebook then she looked up at Fabian and smiled.
The door to the office opened and in walked the brunette from the picture, she was even more beautiful in person.
" Amore mio!", Fabian said excitedly walking towards her and the two kissed not minding that she was there in the room as well.
" I missed you", he said.
" Fab , I've been away for only two days!", she replied and then she noticed Emily's presence.
" Elena , this is Emily. She works with the company I hired to organize your birthday party", Fabian introduced his girlfriend to Emily.
The two ladies shook hands and Elena said it was a pleasure to meet her.
" Hope he is not giving you a hard time ,my boyfriend can be very demanding", Elena said with a smile.
If only  you know!Emily said to herself .
"Not at all. It's a pleasure for us to ensure that you have the most beautiful birthday ", Emily replied with a smile .
Someone knocked on the door and they all turned to look who it was and Fabian smiled broadly at the young man standing in the doorway holding hands with a blonde.
" Lorenzo!", he said walking towards the young man and they hugged each other.
" His younger brother", Elena whispered to her.
Emily could clearly see the resemblance between the two brothers . Same jet black hair and facial features.
"Handsome Italians" , she thought of Samantha's  words whenever she will come across Italian men.
Her sister would have been drooling over the younger brother if she was there.
Fabian greeted the blonde and then they walked in the office.
" There she is the beautiful Elena", Lorenzo said kissing his brother's girlfriend on the cheeks .
" Hi handsome", Elena said.
" This is Ginnie, my girlfriend", Lorenzo introduced the young lady who came with him.
Then Lorenzo noticed her standing there. He turned his attention to her and greeted her.
" This is the person I spoke to you about. Anyways Emily, we will keep in touch", Fabian said as he put an arm around Elena's waist.
" For sure Sir. I will give you a call tomorrow morning and Miss Elena it was a pleasure to meet you. Hope we will make your birthday the best day ever", Emily said softly  trying to keep her voice from shaking and making sure she didn't slip out the word engagement instead of birthday.
She excused herself and hurried out of the office hoping her feet won't fail her since those heels were killing her.

" Italy... did you hear me ladies . I can't do this. Help him with proposing to his girlfriend..what do I know about marriage proposals .. engagement rings .. romance?!", Emily said pacing MaryBeth's office.
She had been complaining about her meeting with Fabian since she reached the office and she was thinking it was impossible for her to carry out what she had vowed to do.
" Emily .. we had a deal. We can't afford to employ anyone  else, Samantha is keeping an eye on everything here and I can barely move with this belly. Just pull yourself together and we will help you. Otherwise we turn down Fabian's offer and tell mum the truth. Due to the debts we don't have a choice but to sell the business and no more Lilly's Picture Perfect ", MaryBeth said.
Emily stopped pacing and looked at her sisters. Samantha sat there quietly and only nodded in agreement with what MaryBeth had said.
She took in a deep breath and sat down,
" Ok guys.. give me ideas. In three weeks I need to pull this through. Three weeks!", Emily said taking out her note book.
Her phone rang and Emily noticed it was Fabian calling and she picked up.
" Hello Mr. Augustine. Yes I am. Ok . ..Yes Sir", and she hung up.
She looked at her two sisters with a
blanked expression on her face.
" What's wrong Emily. You look as if you have just received the worst news ever!", Samantha said.
" It was Fabian", Emily said touching her phone .
" Yes we know . We heard you ..did he cancelled his deal with us?!", MaryBeth asked anxiously.
"No.. he wants me to pack my bags , I will be going with him and his soon to be fiancée to Italy", Emily answered.
" So what's the big deal then ?", Samantha said rolling her eyes.
" Well , I have only tonight to come up with a great idea for his proposal and finding the perfect venue for the party , we leave tomorrow morning !", Emily exclaimed.

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