Chapter six

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" Are you ready?", Lorenzo asked and she nodded yes .
She took out her iPad and checked the address again for the Hotel.
" Where are we going?", Lorenzo asked .
" To the this Hotel on the ...", Emily was saying when Lorenzo took the iPad from her and read the address himself.
" I don't like people who speaks a lot.. I asked for the address you just tell me the address that's it", he said walking ahead.
Emily was stunned by his attitude.
" Who does he think he is?!", she whispered as she followed him behind.
" It is across the sea from here . So we will take the yacht ", he announced as she walked quickly to catch up with him.
" Yacht.. but why don't ..", she started to stay and she remembered his words and she shut up.
She looked down at her outfit and then at the yacht, she didn't dare asked him if she could go back to change into something more appropriate .
Lorenzo got on board a white yacht which was moored  in front of the hotel and did not even wait for her , he disappeared somewhere on the other side of the yacht . She stood there looking at her heels , grasping her handbag she silently prayed that she will not fall into the sea , she pulled up her dress slightly above her knees and she carefully made her way across the metal plank to board the yacht.
" Hurry we don't have all day!", she heard him shouting and Emily climbed up the  stairs and found herself on the deck and as soon as she sat down the yacht started to move.
The wind blowing in her hair, the smell of the sea all seemed like a beautiful dream but it surely wasn't if you were on your way to an important meeting and your hair was looking as if you arrived through a hurricane!
As they disembarked at the beautiful marina  , Emily knew she looked like a complete mess. She was surely not dressed up for a boat ride!
She asked to be excused as she hurried to the nearby café and straight to the restroom.
She hurried and fixed her hair , fixed her dress and hurried back to Lorenzo who was staring at his watch with an annoyed look on his face.
" We will check out two places first and then we will go to the one you chose", he ordered and that infuriated Emily.
She was tired of this man bossing her around , she was working for his brother and she was hired to plan the party  not him!
" Excuse me Mr. Lorenzo. I believe you are stepping out of line here!", Emily snapped and he turned around , removed his sunglasses and looked at her.
"What did you say?", he asked his eyebrows plunged into a frown.
" It's just I feel like you are taking my place. I'm the party planner ..", she said with a calmer tone.
" So we go to this place here first , then to this one and after seeing the venues  I chose , we will go to the venue you chose", he said showing her the two places he was referring to on his phone  and then walked away.
He couldn't be bothered about what she had just told him and he didn't even turned to see that she was too stunned to even move.
Emily clenched her hands into a fist as she took in a deep breath and exhaled to calm herself down, then she hurried behind Lorenzo, walking fast in heels was surely not so easy to do but she had to catch up with Lorenzo.

As they made it to the venue they were supposed to go to in the first place ,  Emily was super exhausted. From  going to a venue which was so expensive but the building was so old that Lorenzo was scared it might tumble down on them and to another one which was completely the opposite to what was advertised on their website. It had been a complete waste of time and when she arrived at the "Romeo e Juliette", Hotel she had to take a seat in the restaurant outside the hotel to catch her breath. She checked the time and it was 10.30 , 30 minutes past her appointment.
" Excuse me", she called a waiter over .
The young man approached her .
"I have an appointment with Mrs. Francesca at 10 but I'm kinda late . Do you think I can still see her?", she asked , the young man looked at her and then at his watch.
" Madame Francesca likes people who are punctual , but Ill see what I can do", he said as he noticed the sign of desperation on her face.
" You need to respect your appointment time", she heard him said and she almost exploded with anger.
He dragged her to all those venues for nothing and now he wanted to speak about respecting appointment time.Emily nearly took the jug of water from the table and poured it over his head to cool him down a bit .
" Ma'am , Mrs. Francesca is waiting for you in her office , please follow me", the young man said and she did just that forgetting that her feet were hurting, she just wanted to get away from Lorenzo.

As they toured the place, Emily fell more and more in love with the venue. The hotel was truly a magical setting , ideal for the party ideas she had in mind. As she walked through the blooming garden she could see the ideas through a more virtual way. She had read so many wedding magazines and she had gathered a lot of ideas mixed them together and making it her own. She could see the silk line marquee, the round tables covered in white and nude table cloths, gold Tiffany chairs with ribbon weaved across the back or maybe some flowers , the table set with the finest silver cutleries and she smiled as she closed her eyes indulging in her thoughts. For a moment she felt like she was a real party planner.

She opened her eyes to see Mrs. Francesca and Lorenzo staring at her and he said something to the middle aged woman in Italian and she laughed softly.Emily couldn't be bothered with his remarks , she came here for the job , make this engagement party a success and get what she wanted the most ,her life back!
She will gather all her ideas and tell them to Fabian tonight , she thought as she followed Mrs. Francesca inside the hotel.

Emily sat down by herself for lunch and she felt happy. The place was perfect, the inside was as exquisite as the outside . The maximum people they could accommodate was 100 and they even had bedrooms which were beautifully designed,for those who wanted to stay over.
As she typed in the last word for her notes ,Lorenzo walked towards her.
" I don't like the place", he blurted.

His words suddenly crushed all of Emily's happiness.

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