~Chapter 17~

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Previously on NIGHTMARE.
After battling the mummy monster, Moira and Candace set off to find their friends. But on the other end, Chloe's only intention is to find a way out of wherever they are and get out without any of her friends. Together with Jess, they find a radio tower and discovering where exactly they are isn't pleasing. Looks like no one is going home.

~Chapter 17~

[Radio] "Hello. My name is Jessica Cyrus. My friends and I were captured. If there's anyone out there. Please, help us!" The radio repeated the transmission. The sound of the radio and Jess's voice woke me up.

"Jess" I whispered. I quickly crawled over to Moira and shook Moira vigorously. "Wake up its Jess!" I said.

"What?" Moira said as she struggled to get the sleep off. "Where is she?"

"Listen." I said.
[Radio] "Hello! My name is Jessica Cyrus. My friends and I were captured. If there's anyone out there. Please, help us!"

"She's alive. I exclaimed. "We have to go get her."

"Candace we don't even know where she is."

"Well it's a radio transmission. And if she's here, then it's coming from a radio tower."

"And how do we find the radio tower? We don't even know where we are."

"Aren't you an expert at this? Trace it!" I said. 

"Good idea." Moira said. She took out a PDA from her little backpack and clicked a few times on the touchscreen. She quickly read the radio frequency from the bus and touched a few more buttons on the screen.

"Okay scanning............Got it!" She exclaimed happily at her success.
"The transmission seems to be coming from a radio tower, hundred and seventeen kilometers north of our position."

"When was the transmission sent?" I asked.


"Well what are we waiting for? Cmon!"


"Sometimes life itself makes us miserable. It takes the light right out of existence and all we are left with is sheer darkness. It is up to one person to make a stand. To decide whether they are the type to fight through the shadows or the type that sheds a tear with every blink of the eye. 

But through them all, the sun shall shine on us once again."

"Hey!" Moira said, walking up to me as I sat on the bare ground with my legs crossed into an X in front of me. I had a book of some sort on my legs. It looked like a journal.
"What are you writing." She asked.

"Nothing. Just some thoughts. Tryna get some things out." I said, looking at Moira who sat next to me.
My facial expression wasn't really convincing for someone who's mind was free. Very unusual of me.

"Hey" Moira said, wrapping her left arm around my neck. "You know you can talk to me right? Because one, I don't think I'm so much of a stranger to you now, and two, there's no one else to talk to besides me. That is of course, if you wanna do socialization with the walkers." She said with a giggle.

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