~Chapter 21~

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Previously on NIGHTMARE.
Candace together with Moira and Nora manage to save their necks from the prison of monsters and find themselves in a whole new environment.

~Chapter 21~

"I would give anything for a burger right now. And top it up with a bottle of soda too." Moira nagged.

"You've been saying that for two hours now. Won't it be easier on your part if you just get it into your head that it's not going to happen." I replied to her.

"Don't interrupt.  I'm day dreaming."
"Well do your day dreaming in silence please."

"I'm not asking you to listen to me. You can shut your ears if you want." She continued. I just ignored her comment. Knowing Moira, She could go on and on.

This was beginning to get tiring. I wish I would just die and leave all of this behind.  But that was far from what was gonna happen. The closest I could possibly get was to be eaten by one of those walkers and join the parade.

But I wasn't ready to be living my life parading the street. At least not in a world like this.

"Where exactly are we?" I asked no one in particular, lifting my head to look around. All I puked see were leaves, leaves and more leaves. Just when I was about looking away, my eye picked up something in a very far distance.

It looked like a scraper, piercing up high into the clouds. It looked too familiar to doubt.

"Is that...." I stuttered.

"BOSCORP!!!" Moira exclaimed. Finishing my sentence.

"But I don't understand. Boscorp's supposed to be back in New York. This isn't New York. Is it?" I said.

"I don't know what's going on. But something really smells fishy." Moira stated.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Moira continued.

We set off towards the lab. It could be seen from a far distance. It was a y'all scraper. Hundreds of floors.

Nora hadn't said a word. Which was kinda awkward knowing she was our tour guide.

"Nora sweetie, we're on the right track right track right?" Moira asked.

"I don't know. I have no memory of this place."

I immediately frowned in her direction.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "You've been on this island for such a long time and you don't remember this place?"

She quietly shook her head.

"Don't pick on her Candace!"
"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"It's okay." Nora assured.

"Let's just get to that lab and find the cure." I said.

"Candace, If we manage to find the cure, what about the others?" Moira asked.

"We are not giving up on them. I made a promise and I'm going to fulfill it."

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