The International Expansion Act

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*just a friendly reminder that I don't own the world/characters, all credit goes to JK Rowling. Also, I will be updating pretty frequently because most of the chapters are already written*

When Hermione received a letter summoning her to the Department of Health and Family Services, she didn’t know what to think. The ministry does not summon people without proper cause. She didn’t have a family nor was she in need of extra health services so she was completely puzzled when she walked into the bustling department. Witches and wizards around her age talked and made their way to the rows of seats set up in the center of the large hall. She recognized a few familiar faces but her eyes lingered on a certain ginger. Ron and Dean Tomas were laughing like banshees in the corner of the room. It was the happiest Hermione has seen Ron in months.

Hermione sat down in the front row just as the clock chimed  nine o’clock. The remaining stragglers take their seats and to no surprise Ron sat right next Hermione.

“Hello ‘Mione, how’ve you been?”

“Oh you know, just working. I’ve been traveling a lot so that’s exciting,” she responded. “How about you?”

Ron smiled, “Just about the same. I started working a case in Germany so this is my first time back in the UK in about a month. Do you have any idea what this meeting is about?”

“For the first time, I think I’m just as clueless as you are,” Hermione joked.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats,” Kingsley announced. His tone was somber and the bags under his eyes aged him drastically. “Thank you for coming today your presence is greatly appreciated. You lot are probably wondering why you were summoned. Do to recent events, the wizarding population is at an all time low after the second was and the dragon pox outbreaks in South East Asia and South America. It’s projected to decrease further unless we take action. So, the International Confederation of Wizards decided to enact the International Population Expansion Act. Unmarried witches and wizards between the ages of twenty two and thirty five will be matched and married with the goal of having children within the next few years.”

There were a series of shouts and protests once Kingsley finished his statement. Witches and wizards threw miscellaneous items towards the minister but a team of Aurors expertly deflected each piece of junk that came his way.

“Everyone please return to your seats,” Kingsley shouted over the chaos. “Thank you. I understand that this situation is less than ideal but we are on the verge of extinction within fifty years. After the war there was a baby boom that helped the population stabilize but after the dragon pox outbreaks, this boom was ineffective. This law is happening in every major country across the world. Current unmarried partners may petition to get married but you must prove that you are a proper fit and that you have been with your partner for a minimum of three months.

“Otherwise, you will be paired according to the law. Every witch and wizard within the age range will go through a series of interviews with counselors and you will be paired with your future partners based on your interests, personalities, future goals, physical preferences, and what you’d like in a family. We are not talking this process lightly and everyone is going to go through a series of detailed and extensive tests by hand picked professionals from around the world to ensure that these relationships will work out for the best.

“After every couple has been paired, there will be a five year period for each couple to get married and conceive a child. Throughout this five year period each couple will have regular sessions with a counselor to help the couples workout any problems they may run into.

“Anyone who chooses not to participate in the International Population Expansion Act will have their wand snapped and will be thrown in Azkaban for a minimum of five years. The use of infertility charms or potions will be considered treasonous and will result in the same punishment. I will now take questions in a calm manner.”

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