Poster Child

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*I think I'm having a breakdown because school is starting soon and I'm not ready for it but I'm ready to acknowledge a  literary genius, JK Rowling. She made all of our lives better by writing the Harry Potter franchise.*

The hotel was doing surprisingly well for an up and coming franchise. It had made over thirteen million dollars in revenue in less than two months and with spring fading into summer, L'Etoile Bleue was anticipated to make a full return on all of Draco’s investments and then some. This made Draco very happy. He wanted his and Hermione’s investment to pay off so they would have a constant stream of income if anything happened to either one of their day jobs. 

Draco walked into Hermione’s office with a smile on his face. He couldn’t wait to share the great news with the love of his life. When he opened Hermione’s door he was surprised to see the Minister of Magic sitting across from his fiance. Hermione looked rather annoyed and Draco could tell that her patience was running very thin.

“Hello, Love. Mister Minister always a pleasure to see you,” Draco greeted Hermione with a kiss on the top of her, “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“You’re not interrupting anything.” Hermione turned towards Kingley and gave him a pointed look, “This conversation was just wrapping up.”

“Hemione, Please reconsider speaking tomorrow night. You hold a lot of influence within the community and it would be beneficial if you did this little thing,” Kingsley pleaded.

“That’s exactly why I’m not going to give a speech about the law. People have the right to think and speak freely about the law. I’m not going to convince them to support it if they don’t want to.”

“Hermione you are a perfect advocate for the law. You and your partner regularly go to your counseling sessions, you’re happy and engaged. You can tell the other couples that if they trust the process, it can work for them.”

“I’m sorry Kingsley but I’m going to have to ask you to leave my office. My decision is final. I will not exploit my relationship with Draco to make you look good.” Kingley gave Hermione a solemn nod and quickly left her office. “The nerve of that man.”

Draco began to rub her shoulders in an attempt to relieve some of the tension from Hermione’s stressed body, “Just relax Hermione.”

Hermione attempted to relax, to will her muscles to unwind and give in to Draco’s expert touch but she couldn’t, Hermioe couldn’t let go and stop thinking about Kingsley’s request. He was right afterall. She was the perfect poster child for the International Expansion Act. She was in a great relationship with a man she loved and she was actually excited to start a family with him. “Tell me something to distract me. I can’t stop thinking about Kingsley’s dumb request.”

“The hotel is doing great and we are projected to make around a hundred million in the next fourteen months. That’s double our investment and then some.”

“I read a review in the prophet today and they said that L'Etoile Bleue was in the top five most magic friendly hotels in the country. There’s a few ambassadors coming from South Africa and the Ministry is having trouble finding appropriate accommodations. The review could help me convince my department head to house them at our hotel.”

Draco turned Hermione’s chair around and placed his hands on the arms of her chair, “You are amazing. You know that?”

“Of course I know that but I don’t know why you dropped by my office. I thought we were going to meet at the restaurant.”

“I wanted to ask you something and it was private so I thought it was best to do it somewhere private,” Draco said cryptically.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, “That was an extremely vague sentence, darling.”

“We should set a date for the wedding.”

“How about a year from next Saturday?” Hermione suggested.

“I don’t want to wait that long.”

Hermione laughed, “Okay. What’s your suggestion?”


“We can’t plan a wedding in four months. Plus, finding a venue in four months is nearly impossible. This is a wedding not a birthday party, we can’t just throw this together.”

“I know weddings take time but I know a fantastic wedding planner. We could have a wonderful wedding with just close friends and family. Nothing too over the top, I just really want to marry you, Hermione. And we don’t have to do the wedding here. We could have it anywhere you like, New York, Venice, the Carrabean. The sky's the limit.”

Hermione’s brain was moving a million miles a minute. She wanted to marry Draco but the thought of getting married in four months seemed rushed, “Draco, You are getting ahead of yourself. I will meet with the wedding planner after the ball then, we can make a decision. I don’t want to rush this. We have plenty of time to tie the knot.”

“I know we do, I just thing a September wedding would be lovely. And the sooner we get married the sooner we can enjoy being together as a married couple before having a baby. I don’t want to get married then try to rush and have a baby before the time limit runs out on the law. I just think it would be nice to let the next chapter of our lives unfold organically,” Draco said in a soft voice. 

Hermione leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Draco’s neck, “I’ll think about it, but no promises. I like the idea of a summer wedding on a little island in September with all of our friends and family, I just want to give us enough time to make it perfect.”

“It will be,” Draco gently kissed Hermione and stood up, “As much as I would love to continue this conversation, I would also love for you to tell me about your dream wedding over the lovely evening I have planned.”

"What did you have in mind?"

"A candle light dinner followed by us ripping each other's clothes off," Draco smirked.

"That's exactly what I need right now," Hermione quickly gathered her things and the couple walked hand and hand out of her cozy office.

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