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*It's practically been 525600 minutes since I've updated so I'll keep this short. All rights go to JK Rowling because I don't own Harry Potter or Hermione Granger or Draco Malfoy or anyone else from the magical world of Harry Potter.*

Sitting in a room filled with the most powerful witches and wizards from across the world should have made Hermione nervous, but she felt oddly at ease. She wasn’t on trial and she wasn’t the center of attention, she was merely Kingsley’s translator. The International Confederation of Wizards was having their final meeting about extending the timeline of the law, her only job was to translate for Kingsley when it was appropriate.

“The population hasn’t increased since the law was enacted, it’s only stabilized. We need to take further action,” The french minister said in a thick accent.

“That’s exactly why I suggested raising the number of offspring from one to two.” The American President had been pushing to increase the number of children for months. She believed it would help stabilize the population faster by creating an artificial baby boom.

“It’s only been a year. Madame President, I know you believe it is a good idea to increase the number of mandatory children but we don’t know how the citizens will react,” the minister of Japan said. “None of us are actually taking part in the law. This is all a third party’s point of view.”

The president smiled, “That’s a wonderful point. We should consult someone who’s taking part in the law.” The woman looked around the room and her eyes stop on Hermione, “Ms. Granger, is it?”

“Yes, Madame President.” Hermione responded. She had never been directly addressed my a member of the International Confederation of Wizards aside from Kingsley.

“If I’m not mistaken, you are taking place in the law.” Hermione nodded, “What is your opinion on this matter.”

“With all do respect, I don’t believe this is my place.”

“Nonsense, you’re a bright girl. I insist.”

Hermione took a deep breath and spoke her mind, “I believe it would be completely inappropriate to dictate the number of children each couple has.” Hermione looked towards Kingsley and he gave her a reassuring nod, “You’ve already forced us into arranged relationships and to have a child with said partners. Increasing the number of children each couple has will create further their disdain towards their respective governments. Not to mention there will always be an underlying resentment towards the children that come out of these arranged relationships. This doesn’t mean each couple will only have one child. I can only speak for my partner and I, but we plan on having more than one child. Other couples I know only want one child because they don’t believe they have time for another child.”

“Tell us more about your partner, Ms. Granger,” the Belgin minister stated. 

“That’s seems a bit private, sir.”

The man gave Hermione a warm smile, “Only share what you’re comfortable with. I believe it would be valuable for the counsel to hear how the relationships are progressing from your point of view. To reassure them that our efforts are working.”

“Things are going well. The relationship is still relatively new and we’re still in the phase of getting to know each other. We come from very different backgrounds, I’m a muggle born and he’s a pureblood, so the counseling is helpful. It’s a great outlet for both of us to piece our thoughts together when we can’t figure out how to connect with each other.”

The American President gave Hermione a curious look, “Has blood status put a strain on your relationship?”

Hermione nodded, “My friends don’t approve of him. They are slowly coming around to tolerating him but I know they will never become friends. His parents don’t know we were paired together. If I’m being honest, we’ve been avoiding telling them. He loves his mother and their relationship is already rocky so this could make it worse. I don’t want to be the reason Draco and his mother stop talking to each other.”

Hermione wanted her future children to know their grandparents, no matter how rotten their pasts were. Children have the right to know their family members, Hermione just hoped her future inlaws would accept her and Draco’s children.

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